Оригинал взят у
syria_russia в
Россияне голосуют ЗА резолюцию!Уже проголосвало
712 человек! Спасибо! Блоггеры поддерживают Резолюцию ООН по Сирии:
http://www.facebook.com/notes/rufree/russian-bloggers-support-un-resolution-on-syria/226179757472868 Russian bloggers support UN' Resolution on Syria.
RuFree, написано 7 февраля 2012 г. в 18:06 ·
We asked people - Do you support UN' Resolution on Syria?
The Poll -
Bloggers' Answers:
drug_oseni -- Yes, I support UN' Resolution. The dictators should be thrown to a junkyard.
calmatolauncher -- Yes, I support UN Resolution on Syria. Shame on the Kremlin!
sfrandzi -- Yes, I support. Assad should follow after Saddam and Muammar, ASAP.
kot_ucheny -- Yes. I support. Assad will meet Saddam and Gaddafi soon.
thodin -- Yes, Assad should go away.
davidis -- Yes. World community should support people fighting against dictatorship.
ybelov -- Yes, I support
beesay -- Yes; it is a shame- to support odious bloody dictators only because the weapon trading is a lucrative business
pyc_reader -- +
arkashamos -- Yes!
jeskobra -- Yes, of course!!!
alex_smolko -- Yes
karpitsky -- Yes
white_bars -- Yes
mgizatulin -- Yes
idshoohov -- Yes, I support
oubique -- Yes
vaysburd -- Yes. All dictators should be prisoned!
evgol -- Yes, I support UN' Resolution on Syria!
ye_rektor -- Yes, I support!
daur9 -- Yes, Assad should be put to the pole long ago. No matter who will do it..
gara_man -- Yes
stan50_50 -- Yes
pavelefimovih -- Yes . Asad should go away!!!!!!!!!!
nanoprovod4ik -- Yes , we have to get rid off this monster ASAP.
ice_below -- Yes
alitet67 -- Yes, of course! I support!
ola1979 -- Yes
kejde -- Yes . Cool.
nora09 -- Yes
maryspb -- Yes !!!
garry_71 -- +
sergs_inf -- Yes, I support
marina1210 -- Yes ! I support!
lubava -- Yes
tiger5310 -- Yes. I support UN' Resolution in Syria. And this veto- is an evidence of narrow mindedness of Russia's politicians.
oleg_akamatsu -- Yes, the Resolution should contain sanctions and prohibition of weapon provision to Syria.
eyra_0501 -- Yes . The dictatorships should be ruined in Syria and all over the World..
lid11 -- Yes ! I support UN' Resolution.
12kakhakk -- Yes
islamecology -- Yes. I support UN' Resolution on Syria! Shame on two evil empires, that supported this cannibal!
rus017 -- Yes
alex_mos_cow -- Yes, of course. Assad should be ended as other scoundrels: Chaushesku, Milosevic, Hussein, Gaddafi
desreiniger -- Yes , of course.
andrej_volkov -- Yes !
nikolas_lambert -- Yes
otdel_63 -- Yes
marina_herriott -- Yes , I support UN' Resolution on Syria
ottonik -- Yes. Otherwise thousands will be killed, and only after it the resolution will be supported. The syrians are beeing killed, not russians. Assad should be hanged.
maga_rso -- Yes
yaroslavskiy_w -- Yes. Assad should be in the Hague tribunal!
commissaires -- Yes
aluminij1 -- Yes. I support UN' Resolution. Shame on Russia, because my country provide the weapons for torturers!
selskiy_vrach -- Yes
voskanov -- Yes
russlav63 -- Yes .
31_vohman -- Yes !
mjora -- Yes
radeprut9 -- Yes , support
b_stomahin -- Yes
teh_yonta -- Yes
umm_ahmad99 -- Yes
garilaska21 -- Yes . I support UN' Resolution in full.
voljnyjveter -- Yes ! I support UN' Resolution! FREEDOM FOR SYRIA!
anton_cz -- Yes!
jadid15 -- Yes. I support UN' Resolution on Syria
gybemperor -- Yes , of course. Assad. Putin, Lukashenko should be thrown on a junkyard.
andreypilot -- Yes
niklaus_1978 -- Yes, of course! The dictatorship should be thrown on a junkyard!
voce_della_luna -- Yes , I support.
litvak_vit -- Yes
nevostok -- Yes. I support.
ausveis --Yes . I support !
Игорь Гринёв -- Yes
syria_russia -- Yes ! I hope RF will also support the resolution. Freedom for Syria!
libertinych -- Yes
lambreken_trotz -- Yes , Syria should be a democratic country.
drug_oseni -- Yes, I support UN' Resolution. The dictators should be thrown to a junkyard.
calmatolauncher -- Yes, I support UN Resolution on Syria. Shame on the Kremlin!
sfrandzi -- Yes, I support. Assad should follow after Saddam and Muammar, ASAP.
kot_ucheny -- Yes. I support. Assad will meet Saddam and Gaddafi soon.
thodin -- Yes, Assad should go away.
davidis -- Yes. World community should support people fighting against dictatorship.
ybelov -- Yes, I support
beesay -- Yes; it is a shame- to support odious bloody dictators only because the weapon trading is a lucrative business
pyc_reader -- +
arkashamos -- Yes!
jeskobra -- Yes, of course!!!
alex_smolko -- Yes
karpitsky -- Yes
white_bars -- Yes
mgizatulin -- Yes
idshoohov -- Yes, I support
oubique -- Yes
vaysburd -- Yes. All dictators should be prisoned!
evgol -- Yes, I support UN' Resolution on Syria!
ye_rektor -- Yes, I support!
daur9 -- Yes, Assad should be put to the pole long ago. No matter who will do it..
gara_man -- Yes
stan50_50 -- Yes
pavelefimovih -- Yes . Asad should go away!!!!!!!!!!
nanoprovod4ik -- Yes , we have to get rid off this monster ASAP.
ice_below -- Yes
alitet67 -- Yes, of course! I support!
ola1979 -- Yes
kejde -- Yes . Cool.
nora09 -- Yes
maryspb -- Yes !!!
garry_71 -- +
sergs_inf -- Yes, I support
marina1210 -- Yes ! I support!
lubava -- Yes
tiger5310 -- Yes. I support UN' Resolution in Syria. And this veto- is an evidence of narrow mindedness of Russia's politicians.
oleg_akamatsu -- Yes, the Resolution should contain sanctions and prohibition of weapon provision to Syria.
eyra_0501 -- Yes . The dictatorships should be ruined in Syria and all over the World..
lid11 -- Yes ! I support UN' Resolution.
12kakhakk -- Yes
islamecology -- Yes. I support UN' Resolution on Syria! Shame on two evil empires, that supported this cannibal!
rus017 -- Yes
alex_mos_cow -- Yes, of course. Assad should be ended as other scoundrels: Chaushesku, Milosevic, Hussein, Gaddafi
desreiniger -- Yes , of course.
andrej_volkov -- Yes !
nikolas_lambert -- Yes
otdel_63 -- Yes
marina_herriott -- Yes , I support UN' Resolution on Syria
ottonik -- Yes. Otherwise thousands will be killed, and only after it the resolution will be supported. The syrians are beeing killed, not russians. Assad should be hanged.
maga_rso -- Yes
yaroslavskiy_w -- Yes. Assad should be in the Hague tribunal!
commissaires -- Yes
aluminij1 -- Yes. I support UN' Resolution. Shame on Russia, because my country provide the weapons for torturers!
selskiy_vrach -- Yes
voskanov -- Yes
russlav63 -- Yes .
31_vohman -- Yes !
mjora -- Yes
radeprut9 -- Yes , support
b_stomahin -- Yes
teh_yonta -- Yes
umm_ahmad99 -- Yes
garilaska21 -- Yes . I support UN' Resolution in full.
voljnyjveter -- Yes ! I support UN' Resolution! FREEDOM FOR SYRIA!
anton_cz -- Yes!
jadid15 -- Yes. I support UN' Resolution on Syria
gybemperor -- Yes , of course. Assad. Putin, Lukashenko should be thrown on a junkyard.
andreypilot -- Yes
niklaus_1978 -- Yes, of course! The dictatorship should be thrown on a junkyard!
voce_della_luna -- Yes , I support.
litvak_vit -- Yes
nevostok -- Yes. I support.
ausveis --Yes . I support !
Игорь Гринёв -- Yes
syria_russia -- Yes ! I hope RF will also support the resolution. Freedom for Syria!
libertinych -- Yes
lambreken_trotz -- Yes , Syria should be a democratic country.