It depends on what kind of orchid it is, but some like this one will keep the same flowers for months. In this photo you can see the same plant back on the 10th of March when it had 6 flowers blooming and 4 buds still waiting to open.
During the non-blooming period I watered it the same as I do while it is blooming. Once a week I soak it for 30 minutes in the kitchen sink filled with warm water and a dilute mix of orchid fertilizer. Then every morning I mist the leaves and exposed roots with warm water to keep them moist.
Comments 5
you waited 2 years for it to bloom again?!!!
how much did you water it in the non-blooming period?
During the non-blooming period I watered it the same as I do while it is blooming. Once a week I soak it for 30 minutes in the kitchen sink filled with warm water and a dilute mix of orchid fertilizer. Then every morning I mist the leaves and exposed roots with warm water to keep them moist.
they are pretty intense when it comes to caring.
then again,.. mine never bloom a second time. hahaha
so, good job! :D
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