They hurt Sasha, Vinnie, and Char.
Amp trusted Red, too, and Sasha... Wasn't Sasha his Pokemon? She should be trustworthy, too, not to mention that she deeply trusted Lyra. She was one of her best friends in this school. She wouldn't lie to her, she was pretty positive. Then again, here she felt that she could trust Raikov and Volgin, too. She knew they weren't so happy about most Pokemon in general, but taking it out with violence?
Amp liked to battle, but she liked to battle for fun. Battling maliciously, however, was wrong.
She crawled up to Raikov and Volgin's bedroom door, almost ready go inside, but she hadn't yet. Red told her to ask them. Should she? Would she? At this point, she wasn't exactly sure. She knew that it was wrong, but she... she'd hate for her happy fantasy of her trainers being good people to be tarnished.
Reality was, however, reality.
She grumbled, electricity sparking from her cheeks as she crawled to her pet bed. She wasn't exactly very happy. Should she sleep it off? Maybe. Maybe not. She'll still be mad when she wakes up. She wasn't able to easily nap off her emotions. It didn't work for her at all, though at this point, she wished that it did.
"Pi!" She snorted and walked up to the entrance of the pet bed. She chewed. Not her usual nibbling, no. She was trying to tear a piece off, make holes, ruin the entrance and exit. She kept it up until she found herself satisfied, and then decided to leave a little wet Pika surprise on it.
A Pikachu soiling property like that usually meant them being a pest. In this case, it felt more out of spite than anything.
They'd never hurt anyone! Bullshit.
She crawled into the ruined bed, carefully avoiding the soaked areas, and hid away inside until she catches a glimpse of Raikov. Maybe then, just maybe, she may try to get the skinny.
She didn't want to. She had to.