Hot dam- Ben Affleck stole 9 bucks from me and i saw me some whales!

Feb 18, 2003 10:58

Ok so i have only 5 minitues let at his computer and i type wicked slow so i will have to fix this entry when i get back, but i will writwe quick one right now. Ok, San diego is great..a little colder at times than i want( well upper 60-low 70's) but a great area. and i volunteered to be bumped from my flight sat. mornig so i took one an hour ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

mysticshell February 19 2003, 08:22:32 UTC
I'm not starting an arguemnt, rather a debate.

Why didn't you like daredevil?
I'm a pretty big Marvel fan and liked it a lot, even though I had some reserves about Ben Affleck as the lead. I wasn't a fan of Jennifer Garner, but she did well, I think. Kingpin is supposed to be white yes, but seriously, could you get any better than Michael Clark Duncan?

And Colin Farrell? INSANE! Worked well for Bullseye.

What did you think?

P.S. I'm a friend of Liz's from high school. I gave her the code for you to use, hence how I found your journal.


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