You post -anonymously- a kink request that you’ve always wanted to see. Something you really want but don’t necessarily want to admit to.
Random people come by, read the request, and write a ficlet to order. And post it as a reply to the comment, also anonymously.
Multiple replies (ficlets) to requests are welcome, nay! Encouraged. Also, requesters do not have to say thank you and readers who enjoy the ficlets do not have to provide feedback, but it’s always loved.
About the requests:
A pairing is not enough. Please provide some sort of scenario, kink, detail, situation, that makes it special to you. A handy
link to generate ideas should your pervy brain fail you.
Gaiden is fair game!
About the replies:
If you need to, post “part 1”, “part 2”, etc.
In general:
Play nice. This is all anonymous and I will come down like Aya on anyone being mean.
Feel free to pimp this everywhere you wish.
If you accidentally have yourself signed in, please delete your comment and repost anonymously. If you don’t notice, I will try to do this for you.
Request! If your request is filled, write another one!
Write! If you find a good prompt, tap it out, post it, and look for more!
Read! Everyone loves a reader!
EDITED TO ADD (3/08): Shota is not allowed. The canon characters are all above 18, so it did not occur to me that I would need to make this clear.
So~! Go forth and request, write, read!