so play safe, i would imagine

Jan 10, 2006 18:32

so this week has seriously been one of my best weeks ever.

i can't really go in to detail, but its been great.

yesterday and today my brother has taken me to the gym.

i think i might get a membership.

it was really fun cause my brother can't really work out cause of his arm so he was just walking on the

tredmill things and  i was running.

i ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

tearsforthecure January 10 2006, 20:19:50 UTC
wow... the conductor. i'd hit it if he let me


von_artyb January 10 2006, 20:22:35 UTC
lol, i did.
all aboard!


tearsforthecure January 10 2006, 20:26:14 UTC
eeeeeeeee. not fair


grass_dragon January 10 2006, 21:03:13 UTC
Nice picture of that guy. You have to wonder how his life is. Does he have a life outside the park? Is he married? Is she dead?

A man with nothing else to do rides a train to nowhere.

It's really a fun and energetic picture; I'm just in the pessimistic mood right now. Plus, I hate Disneyland. Ever heard Tragic Kingdom by No Doubt?


von_artyb January 10 2006, 21:08:39 UTC
yeah i have heard it, but i didn't know it had anything to do with disney land.
holy shit dude, i was think those same questions while i was there.
about him and all the ppl in the costumes it was weird.


shorty2289 January 11 2006, 08:29:12 UTC
straps. haha.
oh erik...


mr_dbb January 11 2006, 22:54:28 UTC
Oh crap. Volleyball is going to be harder?

P.S. That train is cool. and did you go back in time to see the dinosaurs? I dont know how they do it.


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