so this week has seriously been one of my best weeks ever.
i can't really go in to detail, but its been great.
yesterday and today my brother has taken me to the gym.
i think i might get a membership.
it was really fun cause my brother can't really work out cause of his arm so he was just walking on the
tredmill things and i was running.
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Comments 7
all aboard!
A man with nothing else to do rides a train to nowhere.
It's really a fun and energetic picture; I'm just in the pessimistic mood right now. Plus, I hate Disneyland. Ever heard Tragic Kingdom by No Doubt?
holy shit dude, i was think those same questions while i was there.
about him and all the ppl in the costumes it was weird.
oh erik...
P.S. That train is cool. and did you go back in time to see the dinosaurs? I dont know how they do it.
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