
Apr 12, 2005 17:02

My life sucks sometimes. I don't mean with my family or how I live. I don't know I just dont' feel happy. It blows. I hate feeling like this. I just feel like I'm stuck in a rut. I'm not happy in school, I'm not happy that Corey and I broke up. I'm just not happy right now. I feel like I'm lost in life. That I'm just floating, I dont' want to be a ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

i say let make a weekend out of it.... shellbell2002 April 12 2005, 14:21:54 UTC
Tanya & Ashley....Lets make a weekend out of it ..take a short ride to see our nicole.....I will drive.....i got more hours so i can afford the gas now....hehe.....let me know when we can all go together
I love you Nicole


cece601 April 12 2005, 17:03:25 UTC
lol, i had to put this cause A it will make you laugh and B i thought of it as soon as i read the line......:)"That I'm just floating, I dont' want to be a floater," LOL....turds float:).....just some random lovin! SQUIRLLEY and STUBBY for ever!


kernelpickle April 13 2005, 10:01:18 UTC
Hey, don't be a stranger, call me sometime and we can hang out change things up a bit.


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