Title: Found Series | Arc: Love Letters | none Age | Sequence: 24 | 2 Prompt: #55 - Found Author: von_gelmini Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Theta/Koschei Rating: PG Word Count: 351
thanks so much. i'm glad you liked it. i love river song and so that's got me excited for saturday too. plus then on sunday we get the double treat of kafka the musical and united, both with david in them. and then next sunday exile with john simm starts. a ton of goodies this spring. :D
Oh, wow! This was absolutely beautiful and heartbreakingly sad but so well written, and I loved it to bits. Poor Thete, feeling so insignificent with the pressures of having to be a true Time Lord, he always did rebel against them, not wanting to be the stuffy Time Lord they wanted him to be. He really has such a beautifully passionate soul.
It was so sweet how he poured out his hearts and his true love to his Koschei in this letter, his words of love and how Koschei always makes him feel safe and loved whenever they're together, it really brought tears to my eyes because it was so touching and just so true.
Thank you so much for this lovely addition to the series, kind sir, it was simply gorgeous, and I've saved it to my memories. *hugs*
Comments 9
I know you're not a fan of 11, but I am jumping out of my skin for Saturday!
It was so sweet how he poured out his hearts and his true love to his Koschei in this letter, his words of love and how Koschei always makes him feel safe and loved whenever they're together, it really brought tears to my eyes because it was so touching and just so true.
Thank you so much for this lovely addition to the series, kind sir, it was simply gorgeous, and I've saved it to my memories. *hugs*
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