Title: Don't Move Series | Arc: Love Letters | none Age | Sequence: any | any Author: von_gelmini Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Doctor/Master, Theta/Koschei Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 93
Oh, wow! What a lovely thing to wake up to this morning, this poem is positively gorgeous and so heartsfelt from Koschei's point of view. It's wonderful to see how Koschei feels and how he sees his beautiful Theta when they are making love, so powerful and commanding, but still so filled with love and dominance. Theta will always be devoted to his Koschei, and he loves him just as equally, you really brought that out here so brilliantly here.
Thanks so much for this beautiful poem, kind sir, it made me smile and feel so happy this morning, and I love it to bits, and I've saved it to my memories. *hugs*
thanks. :) i'm glad you liked it. for some reason in my mind, koschei is the more poetic of the two of them. i think he likes the idea of picking out his words so carefully where as theta, while just as passionate, is more spur-of-the-moment. :) some day i'll try to see what theta poetry sounds like.
Comments 8
Thanks so much for this beautiful poem, kind sir, it made me smile and feel so happy this morning, and I love it to bits, and I've saved it to my memories. *hugs*
Very, very, nice
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