• name • Ferus
• age • 24
• contact • begabterMusiker
• name • Roderich Edelstein/Austria
• series • Axis Powers Hetalia
• personality • Roderich tends to be polite and quiet unless angered or extremely annoyed. He carries himself as an aristocrat and is very concerned with what is “proper.” He is one of the less likely village citizens to go off and have sex somewhere less than private (which should tell you how tight of a leash he kept himself on before the drugs.) He enjoys music, art, fine cooking and the more refined things in life, with a distinct bias toward those things that happen to be Austrian or German in origin. He is often described as strict, liking to keep things neat and orderly and he does not like being embarrassed. He is both a talented pianist (no jokes please, he’s heard them all) and violinist, having studied from a young age and exhibiting a natural aptitude. He is certainly stubborn, not liking to be pushed around and definitely used to getting his way.
To most of those who know him he is quiet, reserved and polite and while this is not completely false he only tends to relax around people he trusts , exhibiting, if not a completely open personality, then one more prone to showing his emotions, much more likely to smile or laugh. He will only become truly upset around those he would trust with his life, though why he has always felt the need to be so reserved around people he has never said. He can be awkward in social situations, finding music to be a much more comfortable way for him to express himself around people he doesn’t know as well.
He has quite the sweet tooth, with a particular weakness for cakes and homemade chocolates. He also has nearly no direction sense, having gotten lost simply going to the store several times and sometimes almost missing curfew because he couldn’t find his way home.
• canon history • Austria was “born” around the year 976, his first ruling family, the Babenburgs, governing until the Habsburgs took over in 1276. They would be the ruling family of Austria until 1918 as a provision of the Treaty of Versailles. The following 400 years would see a great increase in Habsburg, and thus Austrian controlled territory, mostly through strategic marriages and alliances, preferring not to resort to bloodshed. He would take Italy, Hungary, and even the Holy Roman Empire under his rule, among numerous other territories stretching from Spain to Poland.
However in the 1600s another country began it’s rise to power, challenging Austria in their control of Western Europe. That country was Prussia. For the next 200 odd years the two countries would fight over the control of the German speaking countries of Europe, giving rise to the Austrian-Prussian Dualism. The two nations would be fighting over one thing or another, only allying long enough to help defeat Napoleon and later Denmark, always fighting again soon after. Unfortunately, though the Sixth Alliance was successful in driving the Midget Corsican back to France it led to the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, and a large portion of Austria’s power base with it. The fight over the Germanic nations (once the Holy Roman Empire and now the German Confederation) would come finally conclude in 1866 with Austria being kicked out of the Confederation by Prussia and no longer participating in German politics. It was the next year that he would “marry” Hungary, who had been a part of his household since the early 1600s. Together they would create the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but while the two personifications loved each other deeply, it was not an easy marriage with constant political fighting between the two sovereignties.
Then in 1914, amidst the powder keg that Europe had become Austria’s Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. Within months the entire Western world it seemed was at each others throats. The fighting would last until 1918 with Austria and the other Central Powers being defeated and having the humiliating and damaging demands of the Treaty of Versailles pressed on them. While Austria was able to avoid some of the heavier demands he still lost large areas of land, his ruling family was forced to abdicate and be replaced by a democracy and most devastatingly his marriage to Hungary was officially ended. He was left humiliated and defeated, facing poverty and massive unemployment. The once mighty nation had seemingly hit bottom.
Then in 1938 an offer came from Germany with his own progress and the demands he had made of France and England in the forefront of many nation’s thoughts Germany came to Austria with an offer. Join the Third Reich and unite the German-speaking peoples in a single country to restore their homeland and their dignity. To the humiliated nation it seemed like a wonderful idea. To get back what he had lost and more. Hitler’s armies arrived in Austria on March 12th, 1938 greeted with cheering crowds and flowers and Austria was part of Germany, renamed Ostmark. When the war ended with the defeat of the Axis Austria’s boss was able to avoid the punishment levied on the Powers by successfully claiming they were forcefully invaded by the Nazis. The betrayal sickened Roderich, despite realizing how necessary it was. Austria would only be occupied until May 1955 and he would declare permanent constitutional neutrality in October the same year.
The following years were quiet ones for Austria. His nation would host the Winter Olympics twice in ’64 and again in ’76 and they joined the EU in ’95. They have since relaxed their neutrality, becoming part of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy as well as NATO’s Partnership for Peace.
• verde history • Roderich has always lived a comfortable upper class life, his father’s business not requiring him to have a job unless he wanted to . As a child he and his mother were in an accident, resulting in her death and the young Roderich being confined to a wheel chair for several months while he went through physical therapy to regain the use of his legs.
Roderich was never a hard-working individual and while he would work occasionally at his father’s company, he would generally find ways to get others to do the work for him so he could have more time playing his instruments and reading. His father had always been will to indulge him ever since his mother died and so while he wasn’t a brat, he did grow up rather spoiled. His father died soon after his 18th birthday, leaving him with enough money that he can live comfortably without needing to work very much, mostly to indulge his love of sweets and musical instruments.
While one would not get “married” in Verde in the strictest sense of the word, he has been in several long-term relationships, both when he was younger and as an adult, most notably with Elizabeth Hedevary (the details of which will be fleshed out if/when we get one) and while they aren’t strictly “together” anymore, they do still have feelings for each other and they certainly have been known to have a quiet (or not so quiet, seeing as this is Elizabeth) night together on several occasions. He currently lives alone in a large manor house, giving music lessons to anyone wishing to take advantage of his expertise.
• sexual orientation • Roderich would be classified as bi-sexual with a leaning towards women. Canonly he has been in a relationship with Hungary and there are some clues that he has some feelings for Germany.