Oh meme me me me me me!

Dec 31, 2008 22:24

A meme I stole from larissafae


Do you like to email your friends or talk to them over the phone better?
It really depends on which friend. If I'm in the same province as them I like talking to them by phone. For one I can actually afford it, and two I have more of a chance of making plans to meet up with them somewhere.

Do you like to take baths or showers more?
Showers. They're faster and my life is slow enough as it is without that adding onto my boredom.

Do you like the band My Chemical Romance?
Some of their songs, yes, others no. It really depends upon my mood.

What was the last piece of food you ate?
Fish. Ah, the famous Newfoundland staple.

Who is your favorite character on One Tree Hill?
The one with the hair. You know, that one that isn't bald?


What color of pants are you wearing today?
I'm currently wearing a quite pleasant pair of blue pajama pants with a white polar bear pattern that I got for christmas.

Do you wear baseball caps?
Most usually, it really depends on what I'm going out to do. And it isn't a matter of multiple hats, it's only one. My WWE Hardy Brother's official hat.

Do you wear makeup?
Only if someone else does it up. I'm absolutely hopeless.

Would you ever get a tattoo on your shoulder?
Yup. I already know what the design's going to be once I get up the nerve and money.

Do you have all of your fingers?
Should I not have them all? Is there something wrong with being in possession of all of one's digits?

Are your hands small?
Small enough to do the work that I need them to.

What color is your least favorite jacket?
I only have one jacket, so I can't really say that I have a least favorite. I'd love to have enough money to have the luxury of having a least favorite jacket and accept donations in all forms of currency.


Do you want to go on vacation to Africa?
Not particularly. Well... maybe if it includes me getting a pet capuchin monkey.

Do you want to win the lottery?
Only if it's the Canadian lottery. Who needs the American lottery? They take most of it away for taxes!

Who do you want to go on a date with?
That, my good friend, is for me to know and you not to find out.

Who would you not want to ever kiss?
Refer back a single question.


What are you going to do this weekend?
Go to the bathroom. What, you're not? Dear god I pity you.

Have you accomplished anything this year?
I haven't been kicked out of class yet. That's an accomplishment, right?

Do you watch FOX News?
Not on your life. The only news I watch is the news that comes up on my friends page.

Have you ever shopped at The Gap?
Seven years ago in grade 8 when it was popular and I actually cared what people though.

Have you ever eaten deer meat?
Nope and I don't ever plan on it.

Have you ever gotten in a car accident?
Uhm... not that I can remember.

Have you had a party while your parents were at home?
Nope. My parents are always home and when they aren't my younger sister is and she'll rat me out faster than she's able to blink.

Have you seen the movie Look Who's Talking?
Nope. I've never even heard of it.

Have you ever broken a bone?
Do other people's count? I think I once broke someone's nose with my bad aim in elementary school.

Do you play any card games?
Poker, Blackjack, Crazy Eights, War, Snap, Go Fish. Although 52 Card Pickup is my favorite, especially when playing with someone else.

Do you know how to fix a flat tire?
Vaguely. I've never actually had to do it before.

Do you rent movies from Hollywood Video?
Nope, I'm a Blockbuster girl.

How many US states have you been to?
Most of them. In video games.

Have you ever been in a hot air balloon before?
Why would I want to trust my life to a bunch of hot air trapped inside a large cloth bubble?


What are you wishing right this very second?
That I was back home in Nova Scotia.

Do you think you are ugly?
What kind of a question is this?

Do you think anyone hates you even a little bit?
Are you serious? Really now, this is an incredibly stupid question. This is me you're talking about! My passtime is pissing people off. Of COURSE there are people that hate me!

Do you think about your past much?
Only when I'm depressed.


Are you mad at anyone at this moment?
My mom and stepdad for going out to celebrate the New Year without my sister and me.

Are you jealous of a sibling?
My younger half brothers, Anthony and Jevon, for growing up knowing our dad.

Do you feel happy today?
Not particularly. I'm bored out of my skull.

Do you cry much at all?
Only when I'm frustrated and/or depressed beyond all measure.

Do you care about other people's feelings?
Sometimes. Usually only when I consider them friends.


Would you go on a date with Paris Hilton?
Why the hell would I do that? She gives toothpicks a bad name.

Do you pick your nose?
Only to gross other people out. ;)

Are you dumb?
Nope. I'm smarter than a fifth grader!

Can you slam dunk a basketball?
Not if my life depended on it, though I know people who can.

Do you believe in love?
I'm not sure.

Do you think pickles are strange?
Pickles aren't strange, pickles are gross.

Do you like to eat ice cream during the winter?
Now that's just stupid. It's cold enough during winter, why make it worse by eating ICE CREAM of all things!

Do you sleep with more than one pillow?
Three pillows and a stuffed frog named Todd.

Can you walk and talk at the same time?
Like a master. I can rub my belly and pat my head while I'm doing that, too.

Do you believe in the Easter bunny?
Of course! How else does all that disgusting chocolate keep getting hidden all over my house?

Does your mom bake you cookies?
Yup! She's the best cookie maker going!

larissafae, random stuff

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