[One-Shot] Pianos Are Sexy

Mar 08, 2009 22:51

JiYong had been standing in the door way for quite some time now watching YoungBae rehearse for his up coming piano battle with JunSu of DBSK. The singer was diligently working away; he was testing his memorization of the piece by playing it with his eyes closed. A small giggle escaped JiYong’s lips at the face YoungBae made when he had to crack open an eye and steal a peek at the sheet music that was sitting in front of him. The childish sound broke YoungBae’s concentration and he turned around.

“How long have you been standing there?” YoungBae asked giving his long time friend a smile.

“Only…..forever.” JiYong laughed and stepped into the small practice room. It wasn’t a very large room; it had a couple chairs, a music stand, a small table with a camera for recording practices, and an old mahogany upright. JiYong sat down backwards on one of the chairs and handed YoungBae a bottle of water. He took it and eagerly swallowed about half of the contents before setting it down on the top of the piano.

Turning back to his friend, YoungBae stared expectantly and chewed his bottom lip.

Rolling his eyes, Jiyong said, “It sounded great.”


“No, not really. You sounded like you ate a sandwich made of glass. Yes really!” JiYong joked. Although, he couldn’t even really remember a time when he thought YoungBae had sounded bad. Even when they both had just started as trainees, JiYong remembered being captivated by the soulful quality that resonated in every note the other boy sang. He remembered being envious of his friend’s talent, but only briefly. Then he realized he could harness that talent with his own for song writing and they would be an unstoppable duo-GDYB. Several years later, that dream was realized, but with the addition of three other guys who JiYong couldn’t imagine being without.

YoungBae sighed with relief. Then another thought struck him, “Wait! How was my English?”

“It’s getting better. I can totally tell your Rs and Ls apart now. Someone has been working hard~!” JiYong attempted to sound like a patronizing pre-school teacher.

YoungBae chucked the water bottle at him whilst giving JiYong a mock-pout. “If you’re going to stay here, close the door so no-one will have to hear the cacophony.”

“Pffft! What cacophony!” JiYong laughed closing the door.

“Never mind.” YoungBae said shaking his head, “Can you turn on the camera? I want to watch a play back with you. This way you can show me the exact words I’m missing and fix it, sound good?”

“Yeah, sounds like fun times.” JiYong said leaning over to the table at his left. He focused the camera at the piano and got most of it on a side shot in the view frame. Then, he pressed record and mouthed at YoungBae to start.

YoungBae nodded and his fingers pressed against the keys causing the sad melody to chime through the room. As he began to sing, JiYong felt himself heating up. The expressions that YoungBae was making were getting quite erotic. In combination with the sensuality in his voice and the way his skillful fingers were caressing the piano keys, JiYong was getting extremely turned on.

He couldn’t leave now though, he was going to help YoungBae and it would be a major dick move to leave him right now. But, being this close to him whilst he was being so exquisitely sexy was going to drive JiYong crazy. Just then, YoungBae hit a particularly high note and JiYong shuddered in pleasure. He knew wasn’t going to be able to control himself now.

JiYong stood up and moved behind YoungBae and reached out slowly with trembling hands and placed them on the piano player’s strong, firm shoulders. This action didn’t break YoungBae’s performance concentration, so JiYong felt safe enough to continue. He gently began to knead YoungBae’s shoulders, massaging the tension that had built up in them from hours of worry and practice. JiYong inhaled sharply as YoungBae rolled his head back, eyes closed with a dreamy smile, obviously enjoying the massage. He just looked too adorable and JiYong leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead. YoungBae’s eyebrows furrowed quizzically for a second, but then brushed off the affectionate gesture as one of silent encouragement.

The next action wasn’t mistaken as a platonic one, when JiYong’s hands slid down YoungBae’s shoulders and onto his chest caressing through the fabric of his t-shirt and laying his weight against YoungBae’s back. JiYong’s head was next to YoungBae’s and he nuzzled against the singer brushing butterfly kisses across his cheek before nipping the curve of his ear.

YoungBae stopped playing and words slipped chokingly out of his dry mouth, “Ji…Wha-what are you doing?”

JiYong could feel YoungBae swallow heavily and he turned to lightly kiss the side of his throat. “Music appreciation.” He mumbled.

YoungBae turned around and was about to say something when JiYong took his chance to kiss him. His lips captured YoungBae’s in a sweet kiss that sent shivers down both of their spines. When he pulled away, YoungBae said to him, “Why?”

JiYong couldn’t answer right away, so instead he chose to kiss YoungBae again. This time more hungrily. Surprising himself, YoungBae answered eagerly and part his lips allowing for JiYong’s lithe tongue to enter his mouth. They maneuvered themselves and JiYong straddled around YoungBae on the piano bench. They were both moaning into the kiss; YoungBae’s hands made their way into JiYong’s hair and JiYong’s hands slid under YoungBae’s shirt.

As JiYong’s fingers connected with YoungBae’s bare skin, the intimate contact brought the pianist back to reality. He pulled away from JiYong and repeated his question, “Really JiYong, why are you doing this? I don’t appreciate being toyed with.”

“I’m not toying with you.” JiYong mumbled and attempted to regain YoungBae’s lips. YoungBae dodged and JiYong was forced to explain more. “Dong YoungBae, I want you. I want you so bad. I’ve been dying to do this with you for so long, I don’t know if I can stop myself now that we’ve gotten this far.”

“What are you talking about?” YoungBae’s eyes darted to the floor as he tried to avoid the intensity of his friend’s gaze.

“YoungBae-ah, I’m in love with you.” JiYong said.

YoungBae was caught off guard and his eyes returned to be connected with the other man’s. He hadn’t seen this look before in JiYong’s eyes, he was completely serious. His mind was racing; he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to say. Honestly YoungBae hadn’t really put much thought into love because he had been focused for so long on becoming famous. The MCs always asked YoungBae which female stars were his “style”; he always gave them a generic predictable answer, to be honest he had never been attracted to them.

The more he thought back, the more he began to realize that the only person who had ever attracted him was JiYong. First musically, then his personality drew him in, then it seems that no-one could ever match up to his mischievous smile or the gleeful light in his eyes.

While he took this mental trip, JiYong had begun slowly stroking his abs again stroking each of the furrows as if he was trying to select a piece of chocolate. “Are you going to refute my confession yet? Put me out of my misery?” He whispered into YoungBae’s ear.

YoungBae’s hand rose up and caressed the slight boy’s cheek. He leaned forward and gently kissed him. JiYong’s soft pink lips curled into a smile and he once again deepened their kiss. He began gyrating his hips on YoungBae, rubbing their growing arousals together in a delicious friction. A giggle escaped JiYong’s lips as YoungBae fumbled with his gaudy belt buckle, “You’re moving pretty fast Mr. Virgin.”

YoungBae’s face flushed in embarrassment, but being diligent as he was he stayed with the task and got the impossibly tight purple jeans off of JiYong’s pale legs. He wrapped his bare legs around YoungBae’s waist and the shorter man stood up and moved them to a higher platform, the piano keys. As JiYong’s butt fell upon the keys, an off-key mélange of notes spilled out of the piano causing both boys to exchange grins. YoungBae’s shirt was the next article of clothing to go, followed by JiYong’s shirt and fluorescent yellow underwear. YoungBae’s mouth nipped at the creamy pale curve of JiYong’s neck and he relished in the whimpers and moans that he made. JiYong’s hand snaked around his throbbing erection and began to tug urgently, “YoungBae-ah.” He panted, “I need you.”

YoungBae inhaled deeply, this was the most intimate and beautiful he had ever seen JiYong, and the name on the lips of this gorgeous man was his. “Ji, how…how do I?”

It was quite embarrassing to ask, but he honestly had no clue and had been running on instinct up till this point.

JiYong panted once again, “Pocket, jeans pocket.”

YoungBae fished around and found JiYong’s pants and pulled out a small tube. He nearly choked when he read the label. “Why do you have a bottle of banana flavored lubricant in your jeans?” YoungBae asked flabbergasted.

“You never know when you’ll need it.” JiYong explained the best he could in his heavily aroused state, “It doesn’t matter why I have it, just put some on and lube me up. My body aches for you.”

He did exactly as he was told and propped JiYong’s flexible legs over his shoulders to gain access to the puckered entrance to his passage. As each inch of his arousal eased into JiYong, YoungBae felt as if he was melting into a hot pool of ecstasy. When JiYong had fully adjusted to his body feeling so stretched and so full, YoungBae commenced a slow easy thrusting. Their love making grew more frantic as their pleasure mounted; each thrust was punctuated with another dissonant chord from the piano.

JiYong cried out his climax and was followed soon after by YoungBae as his own body’s spasms and contractions brought his love to the edge. The two held on to each other as they caught their breath and basked in the orgasmic flood of endorphins.

Once they had recuperated, they cleaned up the best they could with the remaining waterbottle.

They left the practice room together to go back to the hostel. Seungri happened to be heading into the studio as they left and politely asked his hyungs what they had been doing.

“Oh well…” YoungBae couldn’t look the maknae straight in the eye so JiYong took over.

“YoungBae was practicing for the battle with JunSu.” JiYong partially lied with a fantastic grin.

Seungri knew exactly which practice room YoungBae liked to use, so he went in hoping to get a sneak peek at the upcoming special stage. He noticed that the camera was still on and stopped it to rewind for a bit-he just wanted a glimpse, the rest of the stage needed to be a surprise.

A few seconds later, a very stunned Seungri emerged from the practice room with the tape from the camera heading for the incinerators. He started to cry as he knew that his eyes would never regain their chastity.

“Damn you JiYong-hyung!”

~The End~

Hope you all enjoyed it!
I tried to come up with a unique scenario for a Piano...so I hope i conveyed the image in my mind well enough....^^;
Sorry if the ending was wonky.
I always feel a certain wonkiness is found in my endings....

big bang, fan fiction, gdyb

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