
Nov 23, 2010 10:13

Vaguely artsy post, more work-safe than you'd think.

My favorite thing to draw as of last night is child abuse. Not really a far cry from the usual stuff I draw (I'm talking about the stuff I don't post; I have piles of drawings of dismembered/impaled/burned/generally tortured people lying around the apartment gathering dust), but this particular thing gives me a strange sense of accomplishment that I know I should probably talk to a psychiatrist about.

( alt link in case photobucket decides to do the morally correct thing and remove the image )

INB4 no one can read my handwriting.

Story time, sit down and listen.

Once upon a time, I had two OCs - a shaman named Mischa and an orphan girl named Aeynn. They were BFF4LIFE, like brother and sister etc; Mischa looked after Aeynn, played with her, protected her and generally kept her happy. Aeynn could create things out of thin air - or rather, she could literally draw them into existence. There was a moral to this story, something along the lines of "be nice to everyone because you don't know when they'll turn around and bite your fucking head off".

That was until last night when, in a relatively successful attempt to shake off my art block, I drew that thing up there. I started it with no plan in mind. I drew the guy first and then I thought, "this needs more feral/bound/skinny children" and drew the little girl. And it just snowballed from there. Ideas kept coming, I kept writing them down. I completely fucked up my own canon for the Sheh race, I had to face my inability to draw tattoos head-on (and lost as you can see, but this battle is not over yet) and had a blast imagining different ways for Mischal to torture the girl. I didn't put any of those on paper, not with the family constantly looking over my shoulder.

I think I'm going to continue experimenting like this - start drawing without a plan in mind and see where it goes from there. This way maybe I'll finally find a suitable character design for Seven. That kid's been giving me trouble like you can't even imagine.

In other news: you've seen Inception, right? You know who Sherlock Holmes is, right? Then read this. And this. Don't be put off by the slashy bits if Inception or SH slash isn't your thing - the fics are really brill.

tankverse, rec: fic, samu shut up, original shit, shut up samu, beautiful things

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