To try to lighten my mood, and keep good on my promise of gifs, here is a nice little TOP TEN list. I haven't decided if any of the gifs will be new or not. I'm sort of running out of things to make gifs of in the new series. I need more eps. YOU HEAR ME MOFF!? MORE EPISODES NAO PLZ.
I hate waiting.
(Oh, and seeing as how picking an order would make my brain explode, they are in no particular order)
Ok, I'm not sure what's cooler: The fact that he's so calm about his impending doom, or the fact that he programed a protocol into the system for a final drink before demise. Probably the second.
Ok, it wasn't the first time they had done something like this. "Dalek" springs to mind, for instance. But the reaction of Eccleston is just SO powerful, that I can watch it all day.
900 years of time and space... SLAP!
Ok, little did I know some of the brilliant stuff Moff would come up with. But the whole "THIS is his room" thing was great. One of those true great Holy $#!& moments of series 1.
You know, when I first watched this ep, I had NO CLUE he used to be associated with UNIT. Heck, I had no idea what UNIT even was. So when he sort of took over here it was a "BWUA?" moment for me. The reason it is included is because I do love me a good delayed reaction. Plus, the smile is priceless.
Bad Wolf says NO.
I just think it's nifty that after watching the Daleks slaughter an entire space station, TimeGod!Rose is just like "Bitch, Please."
There is no gif for this one because I can't gif an entire 5 minute scene.
Ok. Little back story. There's this thing called "Daddy Issues" Some guys think their hot, some find them annoying. I will be the first to admit I have that particular set of luggage included in my collection. For that reason, the end of Father's Day is more powerful than I can put into words for me. It also makes me cry every time I watch it, which is very rarely. It's just too difficult for me. But, since this is a top 10 moments list, I had to put it here, even if there is no gif.
Having Nine taken down a notch by what appears to be a teenager is just downright funny. Of course, we later find out she is older than she looks.
Similarly, her verbal beatdown of the home owner is totally awesome as well.
Just because. Ok, all hot guy kissing aside, this was a big step in the Whoniverse. I vaguely recall however, watching this unspoiled and nearly choking when he did it. Why? Well, because I live in the US silly! I'm not used to this. Girls, yes. And I remember what a big deal was made when Willow and Tara made out in the sixth season of Buffy. Funny story about that, I was TOTALLY spoiled for their getting back together, and being in college (and in Rocky Horror) decided to have some fun by reserving the big screen in the dorm lounge... the same night as a dorm party. The reactions were great. And I just cheered. Just had to share that little story.
Well, this has been a fun little trip down memory lane. I am tired and going to bed.