I hate food tired

Feb 07, 2011 16:05

But, powering through the grogginess, I will post my second Top Ten Moments post. This time, series 2.


Again, in no particular order


Ok. Queen Victoria being a bada$$? Awesome in my book.


No, it really shouldn't be funny that in the parallel world 'Rose' is the Dog, but... it really is.


Really, I could put a massive gifspam of School Reunion here and it still wouldn't get the point across that I love this entire episode. And I hadn't even yet seen any of the old Sarah Jane stuff yet (Besides The Five Doctors). But just the sheer adoration of Ten towards her, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Also, The Doctor and K-9 makes me giggle. Oh, just recently I did watch some old Sarah Jane. Namely 'The Hand of Fear'. And I love her even more now. There's a reason she is the best companion ever.


This is one of the few things I like about this episode. They prove that sometimes, you can't talk your way out of a situation. The big grunt is still going to hit you.


Dude, he just spontaneously hugs him! I WANT A HUG TOO!


When Jackie Tyler wants to glomp you, you will be glomped. Quite the change from the slap in the last set. By the way, if my mom ever does this to one of MY boyfriends, there will be issues.


This is actually a new gif. The 'reunion' between Pete and Jackie Tyler is just made of win. And really, just as a girl, this has been bugging me for awhile. Do neither Jackie nor Rose have any idea how to touch up their roots??? Or is having dark roots just the style in London? Around here, hair like that will get you called "Two Tone". Considering the amount of money Eleven throws around, you would think that his predecessor could have spotted the ladies enough for a trip to the salon. I'm probably just over-analyzing but, eh. That's just me.



You know, back in Series 2, they at least TRIED to dress accordingly. Even in Series 3 during Family of Blood. Yes, the plot usually required the dress, but they still tried. When they didn't? It got called on. By Series 5? I have no idea why Eleven had them walking around Venice dressed like that. Or, you know, in Vincent and the Doctor. I mean, seriously. Psychic Paper can only really get you so far. Yet, nobody says a word really.


This is just adorable. Sorry for the shading. The lighting does that.


Again, Warm fuzzies.

Well, that concludes my Series 2 favorite moments.

Question. Are any of you interested in videos? I mean, fanvids? Because I've been dabbling in those and was wondering if you would like to see them. Let me know in comments. Thanks.


series 2, tenth doctor

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