We're going to have some sort of event every other 'game day,' alternating between major and minor events. this isn't an attempt to get things moving more, nooooo
anyway, here's what we have lined up for the next 2 days, but we REALLY need sugguestions and feedback from you guys too so we can incorporate them and make stuff better.
Pretty simple concept, players wake up on 103 in the morning to find themselves in another's body! You can do it within your own characters (if you have more than one) OR with another mun's permission. I'm opening up all my characters for the swap, and anyone else that wants to also, feel free to comment. for posting, just use your journal, and maybe get yourself one of their icons to use for the event, so we know who we're looking at :)
Cain -
Haruhi (SOS) Kurogane -
Sakura Oscar -
Crehador Tres -
Kuromi Jezebel Nyanko -
Conrart Tamaki -
Minagawa Rita -
Yuuko -
Gunter Fiore Loke -
Ken Aion -
Naoya Sven - Stella
DAY 105-6?
for at least day 105, 106 if you want, all water in vortexx will turn to ice. could be residual from sakura's blizzard, or just freaky occurance. Vortexx's got a history of weird weather, so trying to bring that back a little bit :)
feel free to ask any questions or voice concerns :) Next would be a valentines day event, but there's not been a solid plan for it, so all ideas very welcome :)