Who: Arietta, Cain
What: Cain is a sucker for little girls in distress and offers to watch over Arietta for a while
When: After Arietta finds out that Ion is still alive and falls into the depths of emo.
Where: Hotel
Rating: G, I'm sure
Cain had a soft spot in his heart. It didn't appear often; he rather liked the whole 'cold-hearted bastard' aspect of his personality to shine through, complemented nicely by the 'charming playboy' which sometimes dribbled to the surface. But when there was a woman in genuine distress, someone who needed to be comforted and protected because she was young, alone and afraid, it could melt him almost completely. Merry knew how to do that sort of thing to him quite well. Since bringing her into his home, he'd noticed it had been happening more and more with other girls as well.
Which explained why he was hurrying through the cold to the hotel, hoping to give some small comfort to Miss Arietta (whom he would remember not to address as "Miss," really he would) in her time of need. Really, being selfless felt almost Christian. He hoped it wouldn't last.
Or, rather, it would only last until the poor girl was more comfortable.