Star Wars (7ABY; M05, D25-D27): Barrant & Jaskar

Aug 04, 2018 19:34


Ganen, Ness, Garth, Mon, Roger, (Sekar), and (Morrigan) / [XP: 9]

Ruth arrived late due to work; Bevin departed early due to severe ongoing pain.

Month 5; Day 25 (Continued)

The PCs all rendezvoused back in Wildwater around 20:00 that evening; and after a lengthy discussion about Roger’s new cape, they finally got back on task. Public information on Hikahi indicated that its principal industry was starship repair and the production of starship parts, though the large number of restricted areas led the PCs to believe that it might also be the local Sector Command HQ for the Alliance.

A number of ideas for how to approach the situation were discussed, but the final consensus was that they would really need to get there and feel the place out before they could make a final decision. It was also agreed that they should get some rest and go in the morning.

Month 5; Day 26

Concerned that they might wind up needing to flee with angry Rebels on their tail (and not wanting to tarnish their newly-designated ‘Rebel ID’), the PCs had R4 and Jacinta take the Revenant out to the edge of the system. After deactivating its transponder, the PCs piled into Specter and headed to Hikahi.

Unlike most of the surface cities on Mon Cala which floated on the ocean, Hikahi was partially built on one of the planet’s very few island chains. Upon landing, a couple of Alliance fleet troops poked their heads into the Specter; but then allowed the PCs to go about their business. The PCs then dispersed and pursued a number of avenues.

Half the PCs started looking into the local black market; making queries pertaining to the attempted attack on Scarif. Ganen in particular expressed an interest in utilizing the same weaponry for another attack, and was eventually told that the two droids were built by the engineer who worked for Barrant and Jaskar Skyservice (whom Garth had learned the previous evening was a Mon Calamari). The actual explosive, on the other hand, he was told had been developed by another party who was not local.

Morrigan failed to slice into local criminal records to find out more about Barrant, but she inadvertently found his name and image on a list of people for anyone working security to be cautious of. There was also a highly-visible flag on the entry; and though she couldn’t be 100% certain of its meaning, she was 90% certain that it was meant to indicate that he was a Rebel operative. Morrigan then did manage to access local flight records; and lo and behold, the Golden Toka had been docked at Hikahi for the last 48 hours.

After meeting for lunch, the PCs decided to attempt to approach the Golden Toka amicably; claiming to be associates of Kashan Santhe and the three cadets from Melford (which would be difficult to disprove). Morrigan waited in Specter in case they needed a quick pickup, Ganen positioned himself a few slips down (close enough to quickly close via jetpack), Roger and Sekar waited at the end of the jetway to which the ship was docked, and the three remaining PCs walked right up to the airlock and knocked.

Long story short, the endeavor was a success; and the PCs had an amicable conversation with all four crewmembers of the Golden Toka. Informed of the deaths of Kashan and his fellow cadets; Raphel Jaskar lamented the passing of their young lives while Clev Barrant, citing that they might never get another chance to hit so many high-profile targets at once, was angry that the job had been entrusted to such rookies.

Seizing on that regret, the PCs claimed that they had another target in mind; perhaps not of the same magnitude as the opportunity on Scarif, but significant nonetheless. The PCs were disinclined to discuss details (and, used to secrecy and compartmentalization, the NPCs didn’t push the issue), but emphasized that they really wanted to use the same sort of explosives.

Tosh Hedak, the ship’s Mon Calamari engineer, then told the PCs about the enigmatic ‘Engineer’; though it was all things which they already knew. Asked where they might find him, Tosh sighed. “He said that, whether the attack succeeded or failed, things were going to get too hot for him; so he was going to go into hiding at Port Haven for a while.”

Garth immediately recognized the name ‘Port Haven’. Its location was known only to a few hundred smugglers, and they guarded that location with their lives. Most people in Garth’s former line of work would have gladly given a limb to know how to get there.

“I had commented to him that I’d understood Port Haven to be a hiding place for smugglers”, Tosh continued. “And he told me, ‘That is true, but I built an assassin droid for a retired smugger on Taris who needed a rival eliminated; and that was their payment’.”

As the PCs chatted a bit longer, they learned something else of interest. Terri Karl apparently wasn’t just Kashan Santhe’s girlfriend; she was a high-level Alliance intelligence agent. In fact, it was she who’d swayed Kashan to the cause to begin with.

The PCs never gave any of their own names, but they did mention before leaving that their ship was the Reckless Endeavor. They never got the name of the Quarren security person, who didn’t participate much in the conversation.

After getting back to Specter, Mon indicated that he was willing at that point to give up on finding the Engineer; at least for the time being. Other PCs, however, wanted to continue the hunt as long as they had even a shred of a lead; which they had.

When the name ‘Taris’ was brought up again, Ness thought that it seemed familiar. Though she admitted that she might be mistaken, she recalled that her former boss had at one point mentioned that she would love for her arena to grow to the size of the one on… somewhere. She was 60% sure that that somewhere was Taris.

After rendezvousing with the Revenant and leaving the Mon Cala system, Ganen privately approached Sekar and asked if she was going to have a talk with Jacinta about the incident with the Mon Calamari and the fish sticks. When Sekar replied that she though the whole thing was brilliant, Ganen let it drop.

Since the Reckless Endeavor was now meant to be their Alliance-friendly ID, the PCs realized that they should probably notify their main contact in the Alliance. They sent a holonet message to Lita Flagg, letting her know that they’d acquired a new ship and what it was called.

Month 5; Day 27

Exiting the Allied Tion Sector via the Perlemian Trade Route, the PCs would have to pass right by the planet Columex. Given its location at the junction of the Perlemian and the Salin Corridor, they decided that it would be a good place to stop and do some shopping while topping off their fuel tanks.

They reached the subtropical world early on the 27th and set down at a lovely coastal city. It was a sunny and breezy day, though there were some storms in the area.

Ness decided that visit would also be a good opportunity to sell the two droids which Morrigan had just mind-wiped; though as she and Garth took them to find a dealer to do exactly that, they were stopped by a pair of stormtroopers. After one of them demanded to know where the PCs had gotten the droids, Ness explained that they’d found them deactivated in the back of a ship which they’d just recently purchased from a second-hand dealer. The trooper then instructed the other one to check the astromech’s serial number.

“C1-10P”, the second trooper called as he knelt down to check. “It’s him”.

Despite his face being completely concealed, the first trooper was unmistakably agitated. “How much do you want for it?”, he asked. Taken aback, the PCs stammered for a moment; but the trooper then offered them 500 cash. With a shrug, the PCs agreed; and after he handed over the credits, the trooper pulled a carbine and blasted the droid into shrapnel right in the middle of the thoroughfare.

As for the cubic droid, the PCs located a dealer who found its cartoonish face quite delightful; and they managed to talk him into paying far more than it was worth.

game, sw

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