Up early this morning reviewing online papers and news channels.
I come across a story which supports a disturbing trend I've seen over the course of the last year.
The story is on MSNBC, here is the link.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20633771/ Several month ago Sprint Nextel sent a letter to 1000 of its customers telling them they had till July 31st
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Comments 5
The root of the problem is that most of these internet providers make money by overselling their capacity, and heavy bandwidth users screw their profits by using more than what the company thinks is their fair share, requiring the company to make network upgrades sooner than expected in order to maintain a certain level of service for everyone.
It sucks, but business has always been about providing as little service for the highest dollar amount that the market will bear.
also these same companies that provide said services also provide all the other services which actually chew up the bandwith they are bitching about.
The content is out there, people want to access. if you don't want people to do it why provide services that make use of it and penalize people for doing just that.
Youtube, free video and paid video downloads, music, Instant messaging, picture swapping. all these things take it up and as more people get into it than the more they are gonna feel the need to redefine what a fair share is.
Have you seen the new commercials about low cost insurance. "ficus trees","full names, not nicknames" thats what is being dealt with and not enough people are doing anything about it.
truthfully the problem lies in people grumbling about it and not doing anything about it.
I'm tired of grumbling. I'm going to find some way and some like minded people and see what can actually be done about it.
So use the internet, all the time! tell your friends to use it all the time, and have them tell their friends... and so on.
The isp's cant drop all of their customers, right?
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