Body and Appearance
1. Describe the character's height and build. Is she heavyset, thin, short, rangy?
At first glance Lenalee appears small and delicate, she’s a thin girl of average height. However she’s quite muscled from years of fighting, most of her power and skill is in her absolutely gorgeous legs but girl can still pack a punch. Hoshino cannot decide on Lenalee’s bust size, she goes from somewhat flat to DD in the space of a few chapters. Her hips don’t lie and, as mentioned earlier, has perfectly sculpted legs up to here.
2. How old is she?
3. Describe her posture. Does she carry herself well or does she slouch?
Lenalee stands up straight, she has good posture learnt from etiquette lessons by the worlds gayest chef.
4. How is her health? Is she fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
Healthy young girl! Lenalee is very physically fit, child soldiers have to be. Illnesses are rare, but if she pushes her Innocence too far she loses use of her legs and walking becomes difficult. This has happened exactly once in her life and is unlikely to come up again.
5. How does she move? Is she clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
The most graceful. Lenalee moves very easily and carries herself well, she’s so quick and light on her feet she can run around fighting in stilettos.
6. How attractive is this character physically? How does she perceive herself in the mirror?
Extremely pretty. In canon Bak is stalking her (has a whole collection of photos, tries to bring her flowers), Rikei has a crush on her, Peck tries to accost her like a creep, Lavi puts her in his ‘strike’ zone and Allen thinks she’s cute. Lenalee knows she’s attractive, but doesn’t pay much attention to things like that. Komui is there to crush anyone who shows passing interest in her anyway, so it never really comes to her mind.
7. Describe her complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?
Light and fair and clear. She is a manga character after all, they do not suffer from acne and the beautiful people do not get scarred. She doesn’t even have burns from that one time she engulfed herself in fire, somehow.
8. Describe her hair: color, texture, style.
Black. It’s very sleek and clean and thick and soft to the touch. It just about reaches her shoulders and Lenalee normally wears it down, but as soon as it’s long enough she’ll put it back up into pigtails.
9. What color are her eyes?
Purple. Idek my bff Hoshino
10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?
She tried to kill herself when she was younger, there are scars on her wrists. And all over her body from day to day fighting. The most noteworthy scars are the stigmata shaped ones on her legs.
11. What are her chief tension centers?
This is an odd phrase to me, I’m assuming it means the areas of her body which are under the most stress, which would be her legs.
12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does she have six of the same suit?
Despite working for the VATICAN in the VICTORIAN ERA, Lenalee’s wardrobe is full of miniskirts, short shorts and tiny dresses. There is some justification in that she needs her legs free to fight, but still. Her uniform is black and red, and she wears a lot of plain black whilst training. In her free time she tends to wear lighter colours, a lot of pastels, her casual clothes are Chinese in style and somewhat fancy . She also owns a lot of thigh high socks and high heels. I headcanon that when her boots evolved into anklets she bought hundreds of pairs of shoes and is so happy she can have variety in footwear and no longer having to wear those awful heavy boots all the time.
13. Do her clothes fit well? Does she seem comfortable in them?
Lenalee’s clothes are very form fitting and tend to show off her figure. I know many people like to say that Lenalee is self conscious of how much skin she’s showing off, but. She’s really not. She voluntarily wears the short skirts and tiny dresses in her free time, and whilst she may wear shorts under her uniform that’s just sensible when you’re flying around all the time. Hell, there’s that omake where she lifts up her skirt to show the others, and Allen is the one to tell her to have some modesty. Lenalee is comfortable with her body and her dress style, she’s not self conscious and she’s not trying to look skanky, it’s just what she wears.
14. Does she dress the same on the job as she does in her free time? If not, what are the differences?
Sometimes she’ll wear her uniform around the Order, or she’ll walk around in her training outfit after exercising, but most of the time she’s in casual clothes. She’ll still wear miniskirts and shorts, but they’ll be lighter colours and more unique to her style.
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?
It has never come up. Briefs, I’d guess.
1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?
Chinese accent; somewhat soft and a little high
2. How does she normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does she talk easily, or does she hesitate?
Lenalee talks easily and is perfectly amicable in her speech. She speaks at a normal pace and only hesitates in moments of great angst or trauma. She shouts when she’s mad, very loud, and her voice gets higher.
3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?
A Chinese accent, as mentioned earlier. It’s not heavy at all though, as she’s spent much of her life living in England. No verbal tics to speak of.
4. What language/s does she speak, and with how much fluency?
Chinese is her native tongue, but she speaks English fluently. Her job involves travelling a lot, so she may know some basic phrases in other languages.
5. Does she switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
No, she speaks fluidly in the same language to people. She only switches between languages to translate.
6. Is she a good impromptu speaker, or does she have to think about her words?
She hesitates to speak when upset, but in normal situations she’s fairly casual and easy to talk to. Words come naturally to her.
7. Is she eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?
Lenalee is more eloquent than not. She’s polite and well mannered and manages to communicate her points effectively. When she can’t get her friends to listen, however, she may resort to physical violence.
Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is she book-smart or street-smart?
Lenalee is more intelligent than the other three main characters. She’s educated and savvy, not exactly book smart but she’s well educated and got a good deal of experience with the real world.
2. Does she think on her feet, or does she need time to deliberate?
Perfectly capable of coming to sensible conclusions quickly, Lenalee is normally the first to notice when things are happening or something is going on with a person. She is a quick thinker, but knows when to be cautious and take the time to think about her decisions. Sensibility!!
3. Describe the character's thought process. Is she more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?
Not idealistic at all, that’s Allen’s job. Lenalee is very practical and logical in her thoughts, she has that trait most rare in a shonen hero known as sensibility. She’s still kind hearted and finds it easy to relate to people emotionally, but she’s a very clever girl with a good head on her shoulders.
4. What kind of education has the character had?
4/5 in the official fan book. Lenalee has never gone to a regular school, she was taught at the Order between missions.
5. What are her areas of expertise? What, if anything, is she interested in learning more about?
Lenalee has had etiquette lessons from Jerry and definitely knows how to make a mean cup of coffee, she’s good at cooking. She spends a lot of time with the science team and considering it’s her brothers favourite subject she probably knows a fair deal about it (and far more about robots than she ever wanted to). There’s not much she’d like to learn about right now, she has more pressing matters like, oh say, that war going on, which takes precedence over learning about physics or something.
6. Is she an introvert or an extrovert?
Somewhere in the middle; she’s confident and friendly, but not over-the-top-in-your-face.
7. Describe the character's temperament. Is she even-tempered or does she have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?
Lenalee is normally fairly easy going. She’s a cheerful and bright young lady who knows what she wants, and isn’t afraid of going after it. She can be violent and tsun when she loses her temper, if you seriously piss her off she may punch you. She’s kind, but she won’t put up with any crap and won’t hesitate to put someone in their place.
8. How does she respond to new people or situations? Is she suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?
All Exorcists are naturally suspicious of anyone they meet. In her line of work, Lenalee is fighting monsters that can hide themselves as normal humans, and so Exorcists paint themselves as targets. Literally, the cross on her back is a sign saying ‘attack me!’ She’s perfectly friendly when meeting new people, but she won’t trust them right away and it will take a while for her to consider someone a friend. Not too long, she’s quite open hearted and not difficult to get along with, she can grow to love people within a week or even hours (see Anita). She sees the people she loves as ‘more important than even the world’ and for all her friendliness doesn’t care much what happens to other people. She’ll be just as cautious in new situations, but it never shows.
9. Is she more likely to act, or to react?
Lenalee is a girl of action, when the situation calls for it she stands up and can take charge without prompting. It does depend on the situation however, as an Exorcist she mainly reacts when the akuma attack, without Allen she has no way of knowing where they are and has to wait for them to make the first move. A lot of her interaction with people is her reacting to them too, she acts slightly differently with different kinds of people. Lenalee is neither one nor the other.
10. Which is her default: fight or flight?
Lol. Very much a fight type girl, but her fighting style involves flying. If the situation is desperate she knows when to run away, although more often than not her default is to stay and attack.
11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does she appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
Lenalee likes jokes that are in good taste. Bathroom/gallows humour will not be well met and pranks upon her are not highly enjoyed. She’s fun and likes to joke with people, but she doesn’t enjoy that kind of low humour.
12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does she deal with them?
As a child she suffered from severe depression and mental instability. She tried several times to kill herself and only began to recover when she reunited with her brother. She is mostly together now, but every DGM character is a little crazy and Lenalee is no exception. She doesn’t care about the world past those she calls her friends and is incredibly dependent on them. When one of them dies or is grievously harmed, she falls into a great depression with lots of crying. This is not a sign of weakness, as the fan girls seem to think, but very human desperation and loss. Lenalee will go to any lengths to save the people she loves, she’ll push herself to the limit and then keep going, even when she can’t stand without crutches she’ll demand to return to the battlefield to protect her friends. This is only if her friends are in danger; in reality Lenalee would love to give up her Innocence and live a peaceful life. She wouldn’t care what happens with the war, and to the rest of the world, so long as she could keep her friends happy and safe.
13. What moments in this character's life have defined her as a person?
Being taken by the Vatican - Instilled a hatred of God and the higher ups in her. She is absolutely terrified of the Vatican officials and would much rather be rid of them. They are the cause of all her trauma and woes. Lenalee fought back against them and watched them subject her friends to the most horrific experiments imaginable, everything was awful and she wanted to die.
Reuniting with her brother - When Komui finally made his way to her and promised to stay with her; that he’d make the Order a safe home for her. Lenalee started getting her life back together, she became happier and her mental state improved. She became close with others in the Order and adjusted properly to her new war fighting lifestyle.
The first big loss - Lenalee is fighting in a war. From a very young age she’s been exposed to harsh battles in which hundreds of her friends died. This happened with alarming frequency. She lives a life where everyone she knows could be struck down at any minute, and it’s devastating to her every time. She eventually developed the view that her friends were more important than the world, and when they died it’s like a piece of the world was destroyed.
Slapping Allen - Lenalee does NOT put up with her friends idiotic martyr hero complex and WILL slap him down if he rushes into suicidal rescue missions. She gets incredibly pissed off when those she loves don’t pay enough attention to their own life and will simply not tolerate them thinking like this. Bad Jesuses!
Suman’s fall - All her terrible childhood trauma coming back to haunt her. One of Lenalee’s closest friends was dying and his soul was being consumed and used to wreak havoc across a country. And she couldn’t help save him because she’d been sent to get a little girl medical treatment. When she tried to go back it was too late, which lead to:
Allen’s ‘death’ - one of her closest and best friends. Allen is special to her. In the scene where she talks about her friends making up the world, Allen’s picture is the second largest (her brother’s is biggest). She cares for him a great deal and they have adorable shippy moments together. Him dying sent her into a heroic BSOD and it struck particularly deeply because she left him behind and wasn’t there when he needed help.
Battle with the level 3 - Lenalee decides ‘enough with the trauma, time to kick arse’. She pushes herself past breaking point to save a ship full of people and wrecks her weapon to the point she can’t use it and can hardly walk. She does it in the most awesome fashion and makes sure to save Anita’s hair bands even though she suspects she’ll die. In fact she’s sure she’ll die, and does it anyway with a smirk on her face and taunting the level 3 all the way.
Anita’s death - Her badass awesome prostitute pirate mother figure dies in an utterly heartbreaking scene. Lenalee cries harder than we’ve ever seen her on screen. This strengthens her resolve to defeat the Earl and stop the war, she won’t Anita’s and all the people on that boat’s deaths be in vain.
Being useless and captured again and again in the Edo arc - Going from a hardcore warrior to a empowered chick princess type. Lenalee just can’t adjust to it, she tries again and again to help her friends and all it does is make her fall down because she can’t walk and get captured by the enemy. A lot. But she just can’t stand aside and let her friends fight whilst she watches, Lenalee has to be involved. Her nature is to act, to jump in and help her friends, even if there’s nothing she can do she just. Won’t. Give in. It drives her insane and she knows there’s not much she can do, but she still tries to fight and does manage to punch some of the bad guys to the ground. From inside her bubble prison thing.
The Noah invasion/level 4 attack - All her worst fears and nightmares rolled up into one horrible incident. Her home has been invaded. Her friends are dying and being made into monsters to help the enemy. Her friends are fighting and in danger and she can’t help them. Lenalee decides enough is ENOUGH and gets up to face her fears, she plans to risk Falling in order to get her Innocence back. This decision does not take long to come too at all. Unfortunately Komui is very against this and locks her in the medical wing, begging her not to risk her life for this. Leverrier storms in to drag her off to fight. She goes with him - the man of her nightmares and source of all her childhood trauma and suicide attempts - willingly and faces the Fall with a smile on her face, so long as she can come back to her brother at the end. Lenalee then proceeds to kick arse up and down, save the day and rescue at least some of her friends. And then she breaks down and cries over all the friends she couldn’t save.
Everything about the recent arc - She had to kill one of her comrades. Even though they didn’t have much on screen interaction, Lenalee still fought alongside him and saw him as a part of the Order. We have no idea if she got on with him or saw him as a part of her world, but it’s likely she did become friendly with him. She talked with him. She knew him and fought alongside him and then she had to kill him whilst Lulubell taunted her about what she’d do if Allen turned. She gets home and her worst fears are back; her three closest friends are gone. Kanda is presumed dead and the Order wants to track him down so they can perform more horrible experiments with crimes against nature against him. Allen has been imprisoned because he won’t tell the Order where they are and is losing himself to his headmonster. Lavi has been captured and is being tortured by the Noah. IT IS AWFUL everything is sad and they are such bad, bad times. Once again, Lenalee is working her into MOVING ON, into getting back into her mojo and saving all her friends again. She is sad and mopey but she’s getting that wallowing will not help her friends any. She doesn’t cry; she’s taking steps to get stronger.
14. What does she fear?
The Vatican; Inspector Leverrier; the death of her loved ones; being the only one left alive when everyone else is dead and gone.
15. What are her hopes or aspirations?
To win the war and be free from the Vatican’s control; for all her friends to be safe and happy and smiling at the end.
16. What is something she doesn't want anyone to find out about her?
Lenalee doesn’t really have anything like that. She doesn’t tell the people of Adstring about her abilities as an Exorcist, but that’s more that they’re not involved in the war and she doesn’t bring up personal and depressing things. She WOULD tell them if she trusted them and it came up. Lenalee doesn’t want people to know about her nightmares of everyone dying and that she only cares about the people that make up her world, but this is something she’s shared before. Mostly it’s just personal trauma she doesn’t feel like talking about.
1. Describe this character's relationship with her parents.
They died when she was little. Her closest parental figures are Jerry, the Order’s head chef who gave her etiquette lessons when she was little and is incredibly effeminate himself whilst also being awesome and hardcore, Anita who as mentioned before is a badass pirate hooker that died horribly, and her brother Komui who is not exactly parental at all and shall be elaborated on in question 2.
2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?
Lenalee has an older brother with an incredibly complex relationship. He is the most important person to her. Komui worked his way back to her when she was taken away and has always been there to welcome her home. He takes care of her and keeps her and her friends safe, and protects them from the Vatican as much as he can. He involved himself in this terrible world of bloodshed and loss and trauma, all for her. He can be an idiot and a goofball and often sets deranged robots and zombie viruses on the loose. Komui has a massive sister complex and breaks out the drills if he hears any whisper of someone liking his sister. Even though he’s ridiculous, he’s amazing and they love each other wholeheartedly.
3. Are there other blood relatives to whom she is close? Are there ones she can't stand?
4. Are there other, unrelated people whom she considers part of her family? What are her relationships with them?
Everyone at the Order. She loves them dearly and would do anything for them.
5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?
She doesn’t really have a ‘best’ friend. Her oldest friend is Kanda, she met him at the Order and Lenalee is one of the few people Kanda can stand. She used to run to him and hide whenever something upsetting happened, and it was her job to stop him killing the newbies that inevitably mistook him for a girl. Lavi is another close friend, she met him when she was 14 and he first arrived at the Order. It was just after a devastating battle in which hundreds of people died. She became very close with him and the people at the Order wormed their way into Lavi’s heart. Allen is possibly her most important friend, despite not knowing him as long as the others. They met when she stopped Kanda from killing him and immediately got on. Then there’s Miranda and Johnny, she met Miranda on a mission where Miranda’s power was causing a groundhog day loop. Lenalee understood Miranda and her quirky behaviour and was very supportive and kind and friendly. Johnny she met at the Order when he joined the science team, but we have no canon information on this.
6. Does she have other close friends?
Yeeeees, see above. There are plenty of others like Crowley and Reever and Tapp and the Matron and I could go onnnnn. Her friends are her most important people, friendship is awesome!!
7. Does she make friends easily, or does she have trouble getting along with people?
Lenalee is very easy to get along with, she makes friends fast and is a very sweet and kind person.
8. Which does she consider more important: family or friends?
Her brother is more important to her than anyone, but Lenalee still loves her friends very much.
9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has she been married more than once?
Single and never married.
10. Is she currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?
No. I like to joke that she’s Allen’s not!girlfriend because they’re cute and shippy, but she doesn’t have any romantic interests right now.
11. Who was her first crush? Who is her latest?
Does not do crushes. Lenalee goes in more for deep, caring relationships that aren’t sexual. She loves her friends. Besides, Komui would kill anyone she tried to date.
12. What does she look for in a romantic partner?
Lenalee doesn’t look for a romantic partner, if she had one it would have to just happen. She doesn’t have a ‘type’, she naturally cares about her friends. This girl is so unromantic I don’t even.
13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does she relate to them? If no, does she want any?
14. Does she have any rivals or enemies?
The Earl and the Noah are her hated enemies she wants them all to die >( Road is her romantic rival for Allen.
15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does she fall on the
Kinsey scale?
IIIIII would have to say somewhere between exclusively heterosexual and predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual. Sex is NOT IMPORTANT to Lenalee and she doesn’t much do relationships, but she is from the Victorian Era and would be most likely look to men. However Lenalee is very much about feelings and connections and loving people in general, if she DID fall in love or feel an attraction for a woman, she wouldn’t be too conflicted over it. And her first thought when she saw Anita was to blush and think ‘she’s so beautiful!’. Lenalee acknowledges when women are attractive, she just doesn’t make the leap to ‘crush’.
16. How does she feel about sex? How important is it to her?
Not important at all. She doesn’t think about it much, Lenalee doesn’t care about that stuff. She’s prooooobably masturbated? But it’s not something she does often or cares for.
17. What are her turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
Ffffffffff I don’t even know. She likes being touched; intimacy and tenderness and a connection. It doesn’t work for her unless she feels something for them. There isn’t much that turns her on, but her turn offs are pretty normal. Disgusting behaviour and creepers and just general unattractiveness. She’s not very kinky at all.
1. Do you know your character's astrological (
zodiac of
choice) sign? How well does she fit type?
Her birthday is the 20th February, Lenalee is a Pisces. According to this website I found Pisces are:
Imaginative and sensitive (This fits pretty well, she’s very sweet and kind and sensitive to others.)
Compassionate and kind (Very much so.)
Selfless and unworldly (Selfless but she’s very worldly.)
Intuitive and sympathetic. (Yessssss)
On the dark side…
Escapist and idealistic (…lol no. Not idealistic at all, maybe a little escapist. She sometimes dreams the war is just a nightmare and she wakes up and everything is fine. Lenalee does tend to be very realistic of her life though.)
Secretive and vague (Yes; doesn’t tell people about herself very openly, but secrets can be coaxed out of her once she gets to know someone well.)
Weak-willed and easily led. (Nooooooooooooooooo. Lenalee has an incredibly strong will and she does not put up with that kind of crap. She is very much her own person and follows her own will.)
2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in her life?
Lenalee believes in God, she is fighting in a holy war and told she’s an apostle of God and must fight for him. She hates God so much. She hates the Innocence and the Vatican and everything about it.
3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
Lenalee is generally pretty ethical, she has pretty average moral standards. She would be willing to do terrible things to save her friends, but she doesn’t like doing them and would look for some other option first.
4. How does she regard beliefs that differ from hers? Is she tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
Lenalee tends to be very tolerant of others. She doesn’t care much for religion and it doesn’t have much bearing on her opinion of people.
5. What prejudices does she hold? Are they irrational or does she have a good reason for them?
The Earl and the Noah are BAD, the enemies are terrible people that should never be trusted or given any kind of leeway. The higher ups in the Vatican are not to be trusted. These are prejudices that are justified as these are people trying to kill her and her friends and destroy the world and the others are people that have made her and her friends lives terrible.
Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is she rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
She works for the Order and lives in their HQ, which is a castle. They have massive amounts of funding from the Vatican so she lives very comfortably and is provided for. Komui makes sure all the Exorcists are able to live well with as little fear from the Vatican as possible.
2. What is her social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected her?
In China as a little girl she was middle class-ish? Working for the Order, class doesn’t matter much. She’s a holy warrior and has a lot more freedoms than women normally did in the Victorian Era.
3. Where does she live? House, apartment, trailer? Is her home her castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does she share it with others?
In a massive castle with a bajillion other people. The castle is big enough for the Exorcists, the science department, the medical staff, the finders and countless others. Lenalee has her own room.
4. Besides the basic necessities, what does she spend her money on?
Shoes! Lenalee doesn’t care much about clothes, she likes to look nice but she isn’t obsessed with it. However, now that she’s able to wear more than just her boots, I head canon that she went out and bought a fair few pairs. Lenalee doesn’t tend to spend money on much, everything she needs is provided for her and at most she’ll buy some food on missions.
5. What does she do for a living? Is she good at it? Does she enjoy it, or would she rather be doing something else?
Lenalee is an Exorcist and she is AWESOME at it. As has been mentioned, however, she would rather be going anything else.
6. What are her interests or hobbies? How does she spend her free time?
She likes making coffee for the science team and helping out where she can. She also spends her free time training, or just chillaxing with her friends.
7. What are her eating habits? Does she skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
Lenalee eats healthily, she is polite and adheres to proper etiquette when the situation calls for it, but sometimes she just goes ahead and digs in. Her favourite food is chocolate cake.
Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is her favorite:
1. Color? Man I hate sections like this. Purple, thanks to Hoshino’s obsession with that colour and always colouring her hair in purple tones; and red, because of her boots and all her things with blood.
2. Smell?
3. Time of day?
4. Season?
5. Book?
6. Music?
7. Place?
8. Substance?
9. Plant?
10. Animal?
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