Sunday, June 2nd
Not knowing how
near the truth is,
we seek it far away.
~ Hakuin
Monday, June 3rd
From the bough
floating down the river,
insect song.
~ Issa
Tuesday, June 4th
Who is awake and
who asleep?
~ Lalla
Wednesday, June 5th
Develop interest in life as you
see it, in people, things, literature,
music - the world is so rich, simply
throbbing with rich treasures,
beautiful souls and interesting
people. Forget yourself.
~ Henry Miller
Thursday, June 6th
When to the new eyes of thee
All things by immortal power,
Near or far,
To each other linked are,
That thou canst not stir a flower
Without troubling of a star.
~ Francis Thompson
Friday, June 7th
When you are fooled by
something else, the damage
will not be so big. But when
you are fooled by yourself, it
is fatal. No more medicine.
~ Shunryu Suzuki
Saturday, June 8th
The only thing that
we can know is that we
know nothing and that
is the highest flight of
~ Leo Tolstoy