Title: Silent Noon
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: LuciusxNarcissa
Prompt: 062.Spring
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100 (yay drabbles!)
Author's note: Inspired by Ralph Vaughn Williams's Silent Noon. It's a beautiful song sung by everyone and their mom. Check it out on youtube for a laugh. xD
Malfoy Manor sat on acres and acres of land, but yet the young couple had their favorite secret retreat. Beyond the tall hedges and even past the orchard laid a brook of pristine water surrounded by lush grass and beautiful flowers. As soon as the snow melted and spring began, they left to rediscover this hidden kingdom. Like a king and a queen they lay in the meadow with only the sun between them and the heavens. The surrounding silence resounded like a symphony, keeping time with their breaths and heartbeats. His hand held hers firmly, as did his heart.