Title: White Christmas
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: LuciusxNarcissa
Prompt: 067.Snow
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: This will be my last post for three weeks... :(. I am going away to the Pacific Opera Institute to do some performing and make some contacts! It's going to be great but I'll miss posting! Take care, everyone!
The house was now empty; the party had ended and it was beautifully quiet. Snow fell outside of the window like a slow ballet. The scent of evergreen hung heavy in the air from the ornate trees sprouting up everywhere. The holiday had a wondrous simplicity about it. It was now just the two of them on their first Christmas. Narcissa stood at the bedroom window, glancing out at the falling clouds and cradling a hot chocolate in her dainty hands. Lucius joined her, wrapping an arm around her. It was enough of a present for him to be near.