Wow, this is corny...

Oct 12, 2005 04:12

Alrighty ( Read more... )

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the_alannanator October 13 2005, 03:12:56 UTC
I've been up till 5 or 6 a few times with my housemates...already.

The fact that you threw "already" in there makes me shake my head. It's pretty much assumed in Alanna-land that this ought to have transpired within the few weeks of the school year. You're still a grasshopper in the world of bad sleep habits. Grasshopper. Wait till you're proud when you go to bed at 5. Then we'll talk.

(Why I am living with one of the only people I know has as bad sleep habits as myself?)


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the_alannanator October 13 2005, 04:55:56 UTC
Because having someone up as late as yourself in person tends to validate it and perpetuate the cycle. It validates it even more when there are multiple people.


tay0001 October 13 2005, 04:25:30 UTC
Sleep is for the weak and sane. We're neither, so thanks for staying up with you is never necissary.

I haven't seen or talked to you in forever either, which is really wierd when I think about it. You need to come up and visit Ash and I at some point. Or I'll visit you some weekend when I'm back and not at home.


vrccan October 13 2005, 17:54:34 UTC
Hrm, between school, work and other work getting a spare day is a grim hope for me, let alone a spare weekend to go out of the city =(

But it might happen! But yeah if you're ever in the city and bored gimmie a call. I'm usually either at home or somewhere downtown and frequently bored as well ;) We can do some major hanging out! =D


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