My stopover in PAKISTAN!

Dec 01, 2006 10:02

Hey guys!!!

Well, with MUCH drama, I finally made it here to Hamburg, Germany with
it's MASSIVE sidewalks!!!! :) I had a crazy, full-on day in Chennai
the day I left - up at 8am and going-going-going till 3am...then my
plane left at 4am (it was delayed)....then....

A bit into the journey, a man collapsed and had a heap of problems
(maybe a heart attack or something???) on the plane. RIGHT in front of
my aisle!! It looked like he died for a bit. They brought out the
heaps serious equipment to revive him - VERY full on!!! There were
three doctors working on him for about an hour or so....then....they
decided they needed to take him to a proper hospital...the thing
was....we'd already flown over India, Afghanistan and were heading
over Iran...but they said it wasn't safe to land there.....(thank

so we turned around, back-tracked and stopped in Lahore, Pakistan!!!!!


We were stuck there...just the
PAKISTAN...for 4 hours. No explaination. No announcements. No plans.
Kinda crazy!...A little like, "umm...what are we doing here?? And when
can we leave??"

But, alas.....we finally left (again, with no explaination as to why
we were jut sitting there for 4 hours!!)....and we arrived horribly
late into Frankfurt (4.5 hours late after a 14 hour journey!),
I'd missed my connecting flight and couldn't get in touch with my
friend I was meeting up in Hamburg... :(

I had to go through the hassle of booking onto another flight...going
through immigration...going back through!
But, I finally made it onto the next flight in one
piece..hehehe....and my luggage made it to Hamburg as well (although,
on a different flight from me..hehe)...

All in all it was definately an experience! I don't think I'll ever
want to see someone getting resucitated for a couple hours straight
again....kinda traumatising! Then getting stuck in the middle of
Pakistan without explaination is kinda weird too...hehe...but, it's
all good fun!! :P Anything once I say!

OH! One thing I forgot to mention in India! I rode on the back of one
of my friend's scooters (a local Indian girl I met when she came to
Sydney a month ago)..She's SUPER sweet and took me out to her fav
restaurant\showed me around town etc....and! She took me on the back
of her scooter in the CRAZY, hectic, suicidal traffic that follows NO
rules or (apparant) reason!!! After feeling like I have literally only
moments to live, I ended up getting quite comfortable and confident in
her was still completely chaotic!!...WHAT an
experience! I feel like I can definately be on the back of a bike in
any situation now..hahaha! :P

Anyways....It's incredible to be here in Hamburg with Mira...she's one
of my closest friends in the world and it's medicine for my heart to
be here with her... :P So so good... :) She's got an incredibly
beautiful (BIG!), home-y apartment near the city and beautiful
flatmates!...we just sat around her kitchen table and her bed and
chatted all afternoon, evening and night about everything that's been
happening in our lives. Beautiful. :)

Well, for the next 10 days I'll be hanging out with Mira and her
family and friends and checking out Hamburg and everything it has to
offer... :P Good times!! I'm SO excited!

I'm going to go now because I'm full-on exhausted. It's been over 44
hours since I last slept...(because I had a full day/evening/night in early morning flight out...a 14 hour journey to Frankfurt
(via Pakistan)...4 hour stop over in hour flight...then
a full afternoon, evening and night with my friend here!! It's now
11.30pm Hamburg time and I'm exhausted....

So, I'm going to bed :)
I'll talk later...

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