01. Full name: Valentine
02. Best friend: Helena
03. Sexuality: Heterosexual
04. Favorite color: Purple! :D
05. Relationship status: Single, ish...?
06. Ideal mate: Helena Someone who can put up with his... well, him in general.
07. Odd Skills/Skills in general: He's a talented juggler and a practiced manipulator, and can win people over easily when he wants to when he gets something out of it.
08. Last Amusing Escapade: ... his entire canon?
09. Favorite food: Everything edible. Really.
10. Crushes: Helena ... welllll. Nobody that he'll admit to.
11. Favorite music: Fun, energetic music that he can juggle with.
12. Biggest fear: Everything.
13. Biggest fantasy: ~Riches beyond his wildest dreams. He's definitely in it for the cash.
14. Quirks: ... his entire personality is basically one big quirk. He's the poster child for ADHD-- overly energetic and has the attention span of a drunk goldfish. He's also generally a coward and an arrogant prick.
15. Bad habits: He lies and uses people to get what he wants, and generally seems not to care about what he did, although there was one exception...
16. Biggest regret: He'll never admit to it, but his selling Helena to the Queen is something he really regrets doing and actually feels guilty about, a first for him.
17. Best kept secrets: His affection for Helena.
18. Last thought: "I wonder what would happen if I fed this to a sphinx..."
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Kissing Jareth during that one virus Uh. No clue!
20. Biggest insecurity: ... everything, pretty much.