
Jun 20, 2010 12:46



How do you feel about 4th wall breaking?:

Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character?:
Not really - none that I can think of at the moment, anyway. /o/

How do you feel about threadjacking?:
Totally fine!

What about spamming your posts?:
Bring it ooooooon~

How about sudden action threads?
Also okay~! 8) As long as they make a vague amount of sense, I’m more than happy to get them.



What species is your character?:

Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense?:

What does your character's soul look like?:
Round, red, and white like a Pokeball dfksajskdf. Softly glowy, bearing a neutral facial expression, and wearing a baseball cap of matching colors. Of course. 8|

Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul?:
Yep~! Red’s just a good kid all around, really. Not much else to it. >.> He has a powerful affection for his Pokemon and his friends (both of which are sometimes synonymous with the other, hurr), as well as the traveler’s itch to keep moving and keep seeing new things. Thirst for adventure, if you would. Not that he’s particularly hot-blooded, though - he’s really a calm, simply-oriented soul, that can appreciate the stuff life has to offer, and isn’t afraid to do what he feels is the right thing.

There's also curiosity. Like. No, seriously, we're talking a burningly monstrous, insatiable sort of curiosity about everyone and everything ever. He always wants to know what that is, what that does, where that goes, why it does's a pretty prominent driving force behind most of his actions. >>;

Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense?:

Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'?:
Meh, not really. Red would probably smell like grass, campfires, rivers, windswept hillsides, and crushed Berries more than anything else.

Can your character’s thoughts be read?
Absolutely! There’s nothing much to it, really…Red’s mind works just like any other eleven-year-old boy’s would: simply. General surface thoughts are definitely go - in fact, the listener might be surprised to find that his inner monologues are far more extensive than his verbal communication ever is. Digging in deeper is also alright - just make sure to poke me for any specifics! 8)

Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy?:
Yup! Just as possible as it would be for any other human~

Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers?:
Effortlessly. He wouldn’t notice at all.

Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow?:
If that’s one’s special ability, yep~ Finding him by normal means work just as well, though.

Is it possible to sense your character's emotions? Intentions?:
If you’re an empath or something of that nature, then yes! Red’s actually got a very normal emotion range for a boy his age, despite his quietness. Mind you, though, he also has that ravenous curiosity that’s probably very noticeable, especially when it comes to new surroundings, people, and situations in general - and it’s a curiosity that gets him into trouble sometimes. B| In concerns to intentions, though, they’re always well-meaning - he genuinely likes helping people for no reward, and unless you’ve given him reason to go grudging against you, he generally wishes the best for your own endeavors too. /o/

Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up?:
Nope! No layers, no puzzles, no complexities at all. What you’ve got is what you get.

Can your character be mind-controlled?:
Probably with a fair amount of ease, yes. Red’s got a pretty strong will, though, so duration would depend on the controller, I suppose. He’s got nothing particularly superhuman when it comes to mental capabilities, though.

Is it okay to approach you about hacking private threads? Alternatively, how technologically gifted is your character?
Of course! Red’s pretty familiar with fairly advanced technology - he comes from a world where you can stuff huge creatures into tiny little balls by converting said creatures into storable energy. /o/ This being said, he’s probably a slightly above-average PC user by our standards - nothing particularly remarkable, but he’s pretty proficient when it comes to filters and stuff. Still a trifle to your average hacker, though. XD;

Has your character died before? Can other characters pick up on this?

Is it okay to kill your character, given the proper discussion/circumstances?
Meh…yes, but, as included above: with proper discussion and circumstances. It’ll have to be a pretty good reason, though. :\


Is he/she a capable fighter?:
Red himself has the strength and stamina range of a human eleven-year-old child. …Needless to say, this does not amount to much. :| Sure, he can throw a punch just as well as the next kid, and he’s a pretty fast runner, but that’s about it. He’d be pretty easy to incapacitate.

HOWEVER. As long as Red has his Pokemon at hand, he’s far from defenseless. Sans Pikachu, (and you’d sure as hell not even underestimate that one XD;), this kid literally has complete command over our version of larger-than-life monsters with abilities capable of leveling entire city blocks. And he has six of them sitting on his belt almost all the time. …So yeah.

Can I punch/cut/shoot/hit with a car/stab/HURT IN GENERAL?:
When it comes to Red himself? Eeeh…not so much. I’ll generally be working to ensure he’s mostly out of harm’s way if it comes to fighting - that’s part of a Trainer’s job, after all - so he shouldn’t ever be at immediate liability for injury. :\ Of course, outside of battle, this could be an entirely different story, but I’d still like to at least be warned before anything comes about, and I’d rather not the injuries be too serious or life-threatening without a good reason. NOT THAT I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH HIM GETTING HURT! However, considering the nature of his fandom, this isn’t something I’d want to overdo to the point of alienation from his canon. >>;

Now, I’m much more lenient with this when it comes to his Pokemon, as they’re the ones more likely to get hurt. /o/ Short of loss of whole limbs and so on, I’m fairly alright with anything else you might want to try throwing at them. After all, all of these Pokemon are quite used to being battered around, brain-broken, paralyzed and burned and frozen solid and poisoned, and of course knocked out. Granted, the distinct lack of Pokemon Centers around here will be cause for a lot of worry on Red’s part, but with all these healers on the Thor arrangements can easily be made accordingly. ^^

In terms of winning and losing, where would you rather they stand?:
I really think it could go either way. /o/ Considering the abilities of his six Pokemon, I’d almost go as far to say that Red would make a relatively formidable opponent, but even then none of his team have world-breaking capabilities, and all of them are very accustomed to working with a specified rule-set that the opponent is also aware of, and willing to adhere to as well - which proooobably won’t be the case a lot of the time.

TL;DR ASIDE, it’ll all depend on the enemy and the circumstances. I have no preference! 8) Although, alas, Red himself is a very sore loser. Defeat carries a very bitter taste to him, as he’s never used to experiencing it often. XD

Would you rather fade to black and just assume what happened?:
Sure! Everybody gets tired. ^.^;


So, can I fall in love with him/her?:
Sure you can~ Although, Red will…be very slow at reciprocating, or even noticing it, at first. And he would be ridiculously awkward forever upon finding out. 8D; He’s more or less at that age where he’s generally like ewgirlsandickylovetiemsughXP, so it’s always the very last thing on his mind. Good luck with trying to work with that! XD

Can I hit it?:

Can I kiss him/her?:
Lol sure, I…guess? XD Depending on who is administering said kiss, Red will probably either totally caught off guard and embarrassed forever, or ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIED and embarrassed forever and ugh I need to wash off my cheek somebody gimme a towel @.@

What's his/her orientation anyway?:
Straight, I’d say. :|a

Are you willing to play out any relationships?:
Lol alas, relationships are not my forte, and they sure as hell aren’t Red’s either. >>; Maybe after a few hundred years of CR or something, but eeeeh…I dunno, it depends. :\

And with castmates?:
Saaaame as above DX


So, how would you gauge your character's...

Strength: Below Average
Speed: Average
Intelligence: Above Average
Willpower: Above Average
Charisma: Above Average
Endurance: Average
Luck: Average
Mental stability: Average
Emotional stability: Average
Physical stability: Average

And how does your character rank when it comes to...

Close-range Combat/weaponry: Poor
Long range combat/weaponry: Poor
Flight: N/A (Unless he’s on a Pokemon using Fly…in which case, Excellent)
Communications: Average
Espionage: Average
Survival skills: Above Average
Sciences: Below Average
Engineering: Average
Medicine (organic): Below Average
Mechanics: Average
Leadership/Politics: Excellent (Leadership-wise, anyway)
Trade: Average
The Arts: Average
Alcohol: Very Poor
Intimacy: Very Poor


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