Title: The Sound of Silence Rating: R Length: <2000 Summary: It's been one whole year since Quinn last heard Rachel's voice. Warning: Triggery stuff? Maybe? Possibly?
I'm trying really hard to hate you for this but then I remind myself that would make me a hypocrite for all the horrible things I've done to both Rachel and Quinn...but still. Ow. Also, really good. Really, really good. <3
Oh, the things you do to me, bb. That was just...god. I don't even have anything coherent, I'm sorry. That was simple, and devestatingly effective, and I just...I'm going to go curl up into a ball for a while while I recover.
You're amazing, you really are, even if I kinda hate you for that one. *hugs*
Comments 60
Brio x
I'm so happy you think it's well written. You have no idea what that means to me omg.
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Thank you darling! but yes, I hate myself for what I do to them in fics as well. I sorry :(
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*hugs you tightly*
Oh, the things you do to me, bb. That was just...god. I don't even have anything coherent, I'm sorry. That was simple, and devestatingly effective, and I just...I'm going to go curl up into a ball for a while while I recover.
You're amazing, you really are, even if I kinda hate you for that one. *hugs*
It's all, "you're making girls cry you're making girls sad you're making girls cry you're making girls sad" and i feel HORRIBLE.
*hugs you* I'm so sorry that it made you sad :(
fluff.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I haven't had fluffy thoughts for a while. I'll see what I can do :D
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