Title: The Sound of Silence Rating: R Length: <2000 Summary: It's been one whole year since Quinn last heard Rachel's voice. Warning: Triggery stuff? Maybe? Possibly?
I had heard so much about this, and decided to read it. Wow. This is beautiful. I love/hate how the death happened. It was so poetic and sad at the same time. I love the "flashback" scenes, I guess you could call them. They were very in character.
My heart. Just broke. You broke my heart... I actually sniffled during this and a tear actually fell!!!! This is a big deal because a fanfic has never ever made me cry before. This just struck something in my heart and you wrote it so beautifully. Thank you for sharing. I am running away now to find some fluff to try and put the pieces back together!
oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're evil!!!!
Ironically I was just talking with my friend about how I waited till I had crossed the road safely to pick up her call and call her back this morning. And she was joking about how she would live in guilt forever if I had picked up the call WHILE crossing the road and gotten into an accident which she would have heard over the phone. :/
^ What are the chances though?
I must say, I was slightly less affected by the fic, because I was warned. Heavily warned. But all the same, it was still a painful twisting of my heart at the end because I'm an idealistic (secret romantic) person...
Sighs, Vi, you're an amazing writer. The way you draw us in with the fluff and the memory of the happy times, the way you hint that the fic isn't all as light as it seems yet continue to make us hope against hope...!
Comments 60
This is beautiful. I love/hate how the death happened. It was so poetic and sad at the same time.
I love the "flashback" scenes, I guess you could call them. They were very in character.
Thank you for enjoying it, in a way. i too quite enjoyed writing the memories... even if it hurts to read/write
I actually sniffled during this and a tear actually fell!!!! This is a big deal because a fanfic has never ever made me cry before. This just struck something in my heart and you wrote it so beautifully. Thank you for sharing. I am running away now to find some fluff to try and put the pieces back together!
You're evil!!!!
^ What are the chances though?
I must say, I was slightly less affected by the fic, because I was warned. Heavily warned. But all the same, it was still a painful twisting of my heart at the end because I'm an idealistic (secret romantic) person...
Sighs, Vi, you're an amazing writer. The way you draw us in with the fluff and the memory of the happy times, the way you hint that the fic isn't all as light as it seems yet continue to make us hope against hope...!
I love you, you stealthy angst ninja! :P
Also, I'm glad you waited to pick up her call. Road safety is no joke, and I'm glad you practice it :D
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