Title: Day of Silence Rating: PG-13 Length: 1000+ Spoilers: Up to Special Education Summary: Rachel takes a vow of Silence Pairings: None. Aka no Faberry. Let that be a warning to you.
I did too, back in my senior year. Except I had a presentation, so I had to break it once. The only people that really got bullied about it where I was were the people that made a big show of it by duct taping their faces and their slips of explanation to their faces. However, it never escalated to the level of bullying Rachel received... to which I'm thankful.
I'm glad the Sam perspective was enjoyed! I wasn't sure how well that'd be received, tbh. Thank you :D
Very interesting perspective on a unique story. Thanks for tackling such a sensitive subject, especially since Rachel was bullied so horribly. Sam's perspective is a rare find, and you did an excellent job writing him realistically, in my opinion. Powerful stuff.
I... miss first part of second season Sam. The one that was dorky and nerdy and obviously flawed for his popularity needs. I kinda wanted to write him coming back... which would be very much preferred, I think.
But thank you. I'm very glad you enjoyed it :D I wasn't sure how it'd be received...
Some of earlyS2!Sam's awkwardness and nerdiness is so... familiar. I got into the Faberry fandom before watching a single episode, then got caught up before the Shuffle. That caused me to first have a negative image of Sam (yeah, some fic paints him really poorly), and it wasn't until I actually met him in early season two that I saw how adorably... I keep coming back to awkward, but yeah, adorably awkward he was/is. In some respects he's Finn 2.0, and not just in the "semi slow football player who dated Quinn" sort of way.
As is (IMO) becoming par for the course this season, there is so much potential for character development and unexplored storylines that could work wonderfully. Even the background characters on soap operas get some exploration now and then, the non Rachel/Finn/Quinn characters should get some love too. And personally the less seen of Mr. Shue the better. used to really like him, now mostly wanna stab himof course I'm partial to Rachel/Quinn and want that more than anything else, I'll settle for the slightly
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Oh, I totally agree with you on all your points. I didn't like what they started doing to him in Rocky Horror. It just... didn't make sense to me, because it was an entirely different Sam then when he was introduced. And it just snowballed from there. It was ridiculous, imo...
I like Sam a lot more than Finn, but I don't disagree with your Finn 2.0 statement, because its very obviously true. Further development of background characters would be appreciated by me as well, but I'm more than slightly afraid that, if they do it, they'll ruin them for me. Mr. Schue needs to go DIAF stop being a douche. He was awesome in season 1, but something stupid happened, and idek.
I will always stick by my opinion that Rachel/Quinn can only happen canonically in the future, when they've both matured and found themselves... until then, I'll just watch the UST :P
This was really, really good, bb. I'm kind of at a loss as to what to add to that, and I'm not really sure why, it just...it sets something off in me, and I'm not quite sure how to say what I'm thinking. But it was a really good story about a really sensitive subject, and you're really amazingly talented.
No, no, not..bad, just...discomforting, I guess. I guess it's because I've seen this IRL, just not to the same degree. But I really did love how you wrote it, and I reiterate that you're both amazingly talented and awesome too. :)
Comments 24
Day of Silence didn't really work.
Thank you! I'm very glad you enjoyed it :)
Also, I really did like how this was told from Sam's perspective. :)
I'm glad the Sam perspective was enjoyed! I wasn't sure how well that'd be received, tbh. Thank you :D
But thank you. I'm very glad you enjoyed it :D I wasn't sure how it'd be received...
As is (IMO) becoming par for the course this season, there is so much potential for character development and unexplored storylines that could work wonderfully. Even the background characters on soap operas get some exploration now and then, the non Rachel/Finn/Quinn characters should get some love too. And personally the less seen of Mr. Shue the better. used to really like him, now mostly wanna stab himof course I'm partial to Rachel/Quinn and want that more than anything else, I'll settle for the slightly ( ... )
I like Sam a lot more than Finn, but I don't disagree with your Finn 2.0 statement, because its very obviously true. Further development of background characters would be appreciated by me as well, but I'm more than slightly afraid that, if they do it, they'll ruin them for me. Mr. Schue needs to go DIAF stop being a douche. He was awesome in season 1, but something stupid happened, and idek.
I will always stick by my opinion that Rachel/Quinn can only happen canonically in the future, when they've both matured and found themselves... until then, I'll just watch the UST :P
But thank you. It means a lot for you to say so :D
And thank you again, bb :D
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