If your IBOP's are anything like our IBOP's, the dressage isn't so horrid. I'm not sure how old Lieke is, but the hardest thing in ours is a shoulder in and medium trot and canter and the fact that the test is ridiculously long for a young horse. I think it's worth doing if you're going for the higher predicate.
Also, is there a way that Fresians can get higher predicates through sport? I know that Lita received her keur on the IBOP, but Wo will be doing her keur based on sport because I can't change her breeding designation without doing it that way and I don't have the ability (if I still have her at that point) to teach her to do 1.10m. However, by doing Z level (2nd-4) at a show instead of the IBOP, she can receive the keur predicate. (and as a sidenote, the sport predicate is at 3-3 or 4-2, I forget which. I just know I got it for Lita when I was doing YR stuff)
And I'm tired, if that doesn't make sense, sorry :)
I printed out all the IBOPs a while ago and just glanced at them. The thing that really stood out is that they are all really, really long. There's one for dressage, one for show driving and one for dressage under harness. The show driving test has two parts and the dressage test is just WTC, from what I remember.
I know that one of Rolling Ridge's stallions, Ivan, was given a first premie after he rocked the IBOP. They didn't want to do it since they would never approve him for breeding (he has the red gene), but they really had no choice since he had the highest IBOP score in the country that year.
Friesians have a "Sport" predicate, but as far as I know they don't automatically get bump in premie. They need 6 scores over 60 at 3rd.
Comments 3
Also, is there a way that Fresians can get higher predicates through sport? I know that Lita received her keur on the IBOP, but Wo will be doing her keur based on sport because I can't change her breeding designation without doing it that way and I don't have the ability (if I still have her at that point) to teach her to do 1.10m. However, by doing Z level (2nd-4) at a show instead of the IBOP, she can receive the keur predicate. (and as a sidenote, the sport predicate is at 3-3 or 4-2, I forget which. I just know I got it for Lita when I was doing YR stuff)
And I'm tired, if that doesn't make sense, sorry :)
I know that one of Rolling Ridge's stallions, Ivan, was given a first premie after he rocked the IBOP. They didn't want to do it since they would never approve him for breeding (he has the red gene), but they really had no choice since he had the highest IBOP score in the country that year.
Friesians have a "Sport" predicate, but as far as I know they don't automatically get bump in premie. They need 6 scores over 60 at 3rd.
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