(no subject)

Jan 04, 2008 08:42

Sorry I haven't been around on lj this week....I have a good excuse though, I swear! :)

So, once little miss Elena decided it was time to make her appearance, she did so in one heck of a hurry! So anyway, here's how things went, and I'll post a few pictures, too.

My contractions started when I woke up Tuesday morning, but I didn't think much of them because I didn't want to get my hopes up and have them lead to nothing. We made a little trip to walmart to pick up a few things and spent some time walking around lunch time, and that's when the contractions really started to pick up. By the time we got home I knew labor had started, so I called the midwife to see when they wanted me to come in. I told them how frequent the contractions were, and they said to head in.

3:30pm- On the way to the hospital the contractions started getting much stronger and were about 2-4 minutes apart.

4pm-We arrived at the hospital and I got checked in.

4:45pm-Midwife arrived at the birth center (he had been downstairs in l&d), checked me, said I was 2cm dilated and 90% effaced.

5pm-Started walking around the hospital per midwife's suggestion to try to move things along, contractions increased in strength and started coming closer together at about 1-2 minutes apart.

5:45pm-Got back to the room, and was officially admitted because I was at 4cm dilated and 100% effaced. The contractions got even stronger very quickly, and I started not getting a break in between them. I kept getting 3 in a row with them never fully letting up in between each one. Not fun!

6:15pm-Nurse started the iv for antibiotics (group b strep pos.), never even had a chance to get the meds to the room because things progressed to quickly.

6:35pm-Felt LOTS of pressure, and all of a sudden my water broke.

6:40pm-Midwife came back in the room to check on me, said he was going to try to check my progress in between contractions, I told him good luck because there really wasn't a break at that point. I said the baby was coming on her own, and fast. He checked me and said "Hi, baby!" lol

6:53pm-Elena was born! The contractions were so strong that my body really pushed her out on it's own. I pushed a little bit to get her head and body out, but it didn't even seem like I needed to.

A lot of women talk about wanting a quick labor, but I would honestly much prefer one more like the one I had with Ava, which totalled about 24hrs with an hour and a half of pushing. The intensity and speed of this one was far more difficult than I ever expected. I never felt like I had any control over what was going on, my body just kicked into high gear and didn't let up at all. Thankfully even though things were fast and difficult, everything turned out well. Elena and I are both healthy and comfortable at home now, and I am really just tired more than anything. Anyway, on to the pictures!

little miss Elena

Elena and daddy

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