The word that brings the most anguish to anyone in retail. . . besides "customer". . . is INVENTORY.
For what feels like the past couple weeks, even if it's just been 4 days or so, I've been carefully and methodically filing through EVERY item in the Fast Food Anime warehouse. It's a pretty daunting challenge with a crew of one. This ain't the army, and I kinda - just kinda - wish I had an M16 to blow through this in a flash... but that'd be a little counter-productive. >;-)
Normally, this wouldn't be too bad. It'd be rough and exhausting, but I'd rip through everything in about 3 days. The summer inventory went quickly like that. The delay this time is because of the time-saving register system... (MUCH better to take more time now than at a convention!)
The registers went into use in March '07, with a barcode system for the price stickers a month or two later. Because I didn't have a method for fitting a standard item UPC barcode on the stickers, I created a FFA-specific SKU code system. Every major store out there uses their self-defined SKUs, so why shouldn't we? The shorter barcode (coded in a non-UPC format) could fit on the stickers, and every item still had a unique barcode. (UPC codes are individually unique, starting with a manufacturer number, each item's particular number as defined from the manufacturer, and a single digit derived from a formula. The SKU code we've used takes a digit from the manufacturer number and adds on the item number plus check digit.) However in November, we got our first duplicate SKU number in the system. The registers translate all barcodes into the SKU numbering scheme, and now it's a problem with at least two items.
Two things need to happen now.
- All the SKU price stickers need to be changed to the current UPC version.
- The register program needs to be altered to eliminate the use of SKUs.
The UPCs have been placed on all the newly stocked items since the early summer, so most of the old tags have filtered out by now. And some REALLY old tags, generic price tags without any barcodes, were mostly updated to the UPCs a couple months back. This helps a LOT, but I've still been replacing a ton of stickers.
I've also been tagging EVERY SINGLE ITEM we have that doesn't already have a tag. That means every plushie, key chain, patch, pin, button, and even wall scroll has gotten, or is still getting a tag. It took me a whole DAY (pretty much) to work through one box of key chains and pins. 720 stickers! Had to scan every item, print the sheets of stickers, and then slap on every sticker.
Yeah, my shoulders get REAL stiff every day doing this...
The register program we're using now, even though it's coming up on a year in use since its prototype stage, is being depreciated. I'm going to reprogram, from scratch, in PHP. The new version will integrate MUCH better with the web site, which wasn't even close to ready when the program was first created. Hopefully by Anime Central in May, we'll be able to check items into the system in near-real time. The interface will be a lot easier to use and work with from behind the table at conventions. (Barcode misread notifications, total price updates after each scan, easy trade-in function, simple item add and delete, friendlier GUI, better record-keeping, search options, product recommendations, and MUCH easier web updating after a convention!) This will help us keep things efficient behind the tables, so shopping at Fast Food Anime will be even easier - and more informative (with the system recommendations, even the most newbie of otaku can suggest something you might like by checking in the register).
But for now, I'm just focusing on getting this inventory done and all the stupid little stickers upgraded. Heh, ughhh... There's at least another 3 days of this stuff ahead.
G'night everybody, and someone please save me..!
- John
PS - On a FUN note, I bought Lost season 3 on DVD, so now I'm going to watch season 2's finale. Then over the next week or so leading up to the season 4 premiere on the 31st, watch season 3. This is gonna be GOOD.