For those who don't follow my twitter feed or know otherwise, my grandmother is passing away.
I got a text from my mom on the 2nd to tell me that she had pneumonia and was in the hospital. My mom flew out to Kansas that day and has been down there ever since with my aunts and uncles. Last night they did some kind of dialysis to see if it would help her. There was only a one in four chance that it'd work and my dad just called and told me that it didn't work. She hasn't been conscious since Monday, I think, and they're not expecting her to come back. Right now she's on life support and my mother and her brothers and sisters are going to have a discussion tonight regarding whether or not they're going to pull the plug.
If they do, the funeral is either Friday or Saturday of this week. I'll likely be flying down to Kansas City for it, even if it feels sort of strange and wrong to me to make arrangements for the funeral of someone who's still alive.
I don't really know how to feel about this. I've always been close to my grandma, I wrote her letters while I was in Japan and when I was little and visiting for Thanksgiving I'd write stories on the old typewriter in one of the upstairs bedrooms. On the one hand, I'm glad that I don't have to see her slowly waste away like what happened to my grandpa a few years back. But on the other hand, I haven't written her in a while. Even if I saw her for Thanksgiving this year, I still feel like I could've been more in touch than I was this last year.
I just don't know.