PHOTOMEME. Yeah I know I haven't posted anything of substance in forever. Not it will be forever and a day.
- use webcam
- no photoshop or editing
➊ Normal Face:
➋ Watching Anime:
I actually opened up some Princess Tutu to cap this
➌ Connection Lost:
troubleshooting face
➍ Online at midnight:
standard fair
❺ Online at 3 am:
means I'm usually just watching food network
❻ Talking to boyfriend/girlfriend:
❼ Internet Argument:
your idiocy amsuses me
➑ Reading Porn:
zis iz mah pornstache
➒ Losing on Ebay:
ehn, another auction out there
➓ 4chan:
I actually found some really wtf hetalia stuff on /cm/