Name: Tarsha
Age: 18
Location: Providence, RI
Sexuality: straight
Favorites - Be sure to elaborate, we want to get to know you
Book: the rules of attraction. awesomely fucked up book, the movie majorly lacked where the book kicked your ass.
Author: I sort of grew out of my stephen king phase I was in. now i'm into books by Helen Fielding. she wrote all the bridget jones novels. she has a witty sense of humor that i like.
Television show: i dont watch tv, like ever. but sometimes my roommate watches those stupid real world challenge things where people compete for money. those are always amusing.
Band/Singer/Group: silverchair, fiona apple, bush, pearl jam, letters to cleo, john mayer.
Movie: donnie darko, the attic expeditions, & although the book was way better- the rules of attraction.
Food: mexican food. <3
Color: red
What do you believe is your greatest accomplishment?: controlling my temper and not letting the little things get to me as much as I used to. If you knew me before, then you'd understand that a little better. Oh, and also keeping a vivid, & really descriptive offline journal. It helps to clear your head when you just take a pen & write anything that comes to your mind until your mind is blank.
What is your most embarassing moment?: there have been so many of them. i suppose it was getting really really trashed and throwing up on myself.. and having the guy i liked not only clean my drunk ass up, but take the sweater i was wearing off me, clean it, and carry me to bed. it was not good.
If you could change places with a celebrity for a day who would it be and why?: brittney spears, janet jackson, christina aguilara (sorry I'm a bad speller).. someone who loves to shock and is way over the top.
What one band would you pick if you could go on their tour?: Blink 182, because they seem like they're always having the best time..
What is your best personality trait?: I suppose making people laugh with my witty sarcasum and dirty humor.
Opinions: 1 word answer are surely insufficent
Abortion: I think everyone should have their own choice and their own free will. I'm sick of people trying to change my view on this. there is adoption, yes. but if a child isnt adopted by the age of 4 there is a good chance they never will be. then what, they get to rot away in an orphanage? yeah, thats the ideal lifestyle. And if I were to get pregnant I would probably have an abortion. I'm in the middle of college. Thats not the life I would like to provide for my child. To go from one dead end job to another for the rest of my life? so my kid can have less than the best because i didnt finish school before having a baby?... nope. And people have said, "it was your mistake you should take responsibility." well, taking responsibility was going to the store, buying condoms, & using them. if something went wrong from then on? i should have to ruin my life and the life of my potential offspring because i would not have the time to spend with it or the money to raise it? no. Sorry, I kind of feel strongly about that topic.
Stem-cell research: It seems like a good idea. I dont personally know much about it, so I don't nessecarily know the downfalls. but seems good enough.
Capitalism: It was a nice idea to start out with. Same with most new government ideas. they start out with the best intentions, but dont usually turn out as planned.
George Bush: Don't even get me started. How he got elected is beyond me. He is a complete moron, and he makes the rest of America look even more idiotic for voting him into the highest office our government system has.
Immigration: Aren't we all in a sense immagrants of somewhere? People completely against this are morons or Native Americans.
Underage Drinking: I drink underage. I have fun, and I'm not hurting anyone. Who cares?
Legalization of marijuana: I'm not really for it or against it. I dont really think about it.
The mods of this community: i dont know the other but
wasted_beauty ROCKS!!!
Word Assosication:
Hot: sex. sorry, but my boyfriend is in england right now. its on my mind all the time.
Cold: shower. ..alright now i can think of other things.
Cigar: & a waffle.. from goldmember. i dont know, made me laugh
Bathroom: break. speaking of i should take one.
Candy: hearts. the little things with words on them <3
Porn: star!
Pictures: cheese!
Pink: pretty in pink
Why should we accept you?: because i think this community would be a lot of fun. And I would probably comment with things to make the members laugh.
Can you be a bitch like us?: can I? bitch please.
Are you sure about that?: Yes, I'm sure I'm as hott as you
Show us your pictures_@#() <3 (atleast 3 clear face shots)