I'm the new bitch

Mar 23, 2004 21:56

Name: Danielle aka Snoopy
Age: 15
Birthday: April 4th
Location: New York
Sexuality: Female

})i({ Favorites })i({ - Be sure to elaborate, we want to get to know you
Book: A Child Called It
Author: Dave Pelzer since he wrote my favorite book.
Television show: Gilmore Girls, best show ever
Band/Singer/Group: Chingy, awesome lyricist
Movie: A Walk to Remember
Food: mashed potatoes
Color: baby yellow

})i({ Essays/Random })i({:
What do you believe is your greatest accomplishment?: Well as a 15 year old girl I haven't really accomplished many things in my life. But if I really had to choose I think it would be that in my tenth grade year, I made my schools varsity soccer team. I guess all my practice payed off.
What is your most embarassing moment?: My most embarrassing moment, that's a good one, considering the fact that I still think about it and get embarrassed. It was at the beach, and my friends and I were trying to impress these really really hot guys, well, we were playing volleyball and I stopped to look at them for a second. The ball hit me in the face and knocked me down, and the really hot guys laughed at me!
If you could change places with a celebrity for a day who would it be and why?: It would have to be Ashanti, because I love the way she is admired and the way guys look at her, I like the clothes she wears, and how she is always invited to a party! I would love to be in the situations she is in.
What one band would you pick if you could go on their tour?: Well I wouldn't pick a band, but I would pick a rapper, and he would be Chingy!
Are you unique and if so give one example: I think in a way I am unique, because in a racially divided school, I kinda wear what I want and do what I want and talk to whoever I want.
What is your best personality trait?: I am really nice to everyone. (except if their really mean to me)
What is your worst personality trait?: I'm a really big flirt
If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be?: make myself taller. 5'3" is way to short! Everyone is taller than me, well almost!

})i({ Opinions })i({: 1 word answer are surely insufficent
Abortion: undecided.. I am being pulled in both directions
Stem-cell research: I think that if we have what we need to do research, than I guess it would be better to do it.
Capitalism: for it all the way!!!
George Bush: I hate him! I think he is so stupid!
Immigration: I think that immigration is good, because we allow people to have a better life, but I do think that we should limit the amount of immigration a little bit, because America is becoming very overpopulated.
Capital Punishment: I think I would rather murders, rot in a crappy prison, I don't think that they should be killed. I would rather them live with their guilt!
Premarital Sex: All for it! Sex is fun, you shouldn't have to wait
Underage Drinking: Hells Yeah! Drinking makes a club for of ugly men, a club full of hot men! Definitly something to make your night better.
Legalization of marijuana: Well… No Comment!
The mods of this community: I only know Christine, but she is a totally awesome person. Definitly someone worth looking up to, and someone I know will always be there when I need her.

})i({ Word Assosication })i({:
Hot: summer
Cold: winter
Cigar: smokin
Bathroom: shower
Candy: lolipop
Porn: niiiiiiiice
Pictures: embarasing
Pink: cute

})i({ Lastly })i({
Why should we accept you?: I think that I will bring a positive energy to your community,
Can you be a bitch like us?: Hunny, you aint never met a bitch like me!
Are you sure about that?: yes, I am sure I am as hot as you.

Show us your pictures_@#()

Justyna and me (I'm on the right)

John and me (after I dyed my hair)

I'm the one that says "Snoopy" and "Danielle"

I'm Christine (wasted_beauty)'s sister.
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