Title: Every Time
vulgar_vogueLength: one shot
Fandom: Morning Musume
Pairing: Kaori/Mari
Rating: PG-15
Genre: angst
Disclaimer/Claimer: I do not own Morning Musume nor am I making money from this.
Summary: Kaori's heart was breaking.
Every time. Every time she saw those pictures it was like someone had shoved a spear through her heart. But she had to hide it. She had to pretend that seeing Mari with someone else did not shatter her heart into a thousand pieces. She had to be strong. She could handle it. She used to be the leader of morning musume after all, and if she could survive that then she could get over this heart break.
That was what Kaori had told herself every night when she would just lie awake in bed dreaming about her.
Outside she would put a smile on her face and congratulate Mari on finding someone special, but on the inside she was breaking.