Just when you think you can't possibly love a show more than you already do...you pretty much get a sucker punch in the gut. And you know, it doesn't even matter that I was spoiled for the plot of Mystery Spot, because the episode itself pretty much blew all my expectations away. Firstly, the Trickster is awesome and I'll be a sad, sad vuli if we don't get to see him again. :D Secondly, Jensen Ackles is exceptionally good at dying. Okay, so I think the same about pretty much everything he does, but there you go. And thirdly...Sam. ;.; The emotions didn't really hit me until the episode was over, but Jared's acting really knocked me for six. That face, that expression that rips the heart right out of your chest... Just... Nnnnngh, I love this show.
Heh, I know, this isn't even a good babble - there's nothing about the plot, or the fabulously dark humour, or how OCD Sam really is. (>:D) Really, though, all I want to do is wrap the whole thing up in a box and scribble "AWESUM" on it. Words have kinda failed me on this.
Also, Bobby. ♥