Haven't ranted in a bit, so here's some of
Every computer that has MS word in the learning lab is full, thus not allowing me to work on a paper due thursday. While I will be able to finish the paper tomorrow, I'll have to get up early to really get a jump on all the information. Fuck.
A bit of semester work piling up...not only do I have to finish the science study guide this week (not hard, just long), but I have 10 reviews/responses to write on NY Times articles that I should have saved. Again, not hard, just a bit of a pain to compound this mental change from "I'm doing hygiene" to "I'm doing nursing." It can feel a bit like slow going, which makes me think I'm sometimes trying to live life too fast. It's really a re-evaluation of the already fictional life timeline. Life is long if you know how do use it, but I always thought it that people getting their masters and PhD's were doing so in their late 20's.
All this is a verbalization of my efforts to find the seed that drives my training and find a similar seed to drive my schoolwork. While I could care about physical inadaquacy enough when I was younger to still be spurred on by it today, I never felt mentally deficient. That's the rub, I suppose: those who are idiots don't always know it. I could have been hiding such truths from myself, which is a strange duality because I know and have said that brains are nothing unless you use them, and I love that I've felt new stimulation from guitar and school. I need to get high on that, become a junkie to it somehow. I mean, I can get up at 4:30 to train, keep a super clean diet in spite of huge temptation, and do all of those things needed to get in "great" shape, but how do I direct that toward schooling? That's the curious dilemma...I'll figure it out.
It's strange how when I get a little lonely, I think back to my double-x girlfriend. Remember the words of Meris: "Just fucking stop." Truer words, never spoken.
Clearly I'm flying high on ephedrine, so my fingers are just flying; I was hoping to direct this at my work but alas I can only direct it at all of you in LJ-land. I guess I'll be dosing up tomorrow, because I know for damn sure ephedrine + L-tyrosine gives me motivation like nobody's business. I could also cook it back to L-meth, which is worthless for getting high, in case anyone is wondering. Ephedrine + Chocamine + L-Tyrosine when I need to work will be my future super-bueno stack of choice. I'll have nootropics when I need to edit. Using my chem knowledge to get through school? Yep.