Hello, The summer is coming to an end, and I am working my butt off. I wish I was out wih my friends right now. I realize right now why I left the house so much during the summer. This estrogen-filled household is going to slowly kill me. I have more work to do. ta ta.
I follow a croud. Me too. Comment. I will tell you what I think of you. I will not be too harsh. I love the majority of you. You are all grat people...but...let's see where honesty gets me. Hell...just comment. I am going with the flow.
Bye everybody! I am going to go Water Skiing. I will be back by Wednesday. I LOVE you all. Have a great three days. Sorry if I ruined some of your plans, but the thing is I do this every year. I really don't go on many fun trips outside of our Covina adventures. I hope that you all enjoy your mon-Wed.