Shortest day of the year, my ass!!!...

Dec 21, 2003 22:43

My friend Danny came out from LA in a rental car this weekend to kidnap me back with him. On our way out we stoped by my friend Adam's house where we found Dan, Ana Marija hanging out as well. We drank a couple of beers, then thought that we should all hit Vegas together, then part ways ( Read more... )

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Comments 54

stich_inside December 21 2003, 22:05:06 UTC
shity times! we should change our band name to tragic jail time! :)


domianax December 21 2003, 22:22:35 UTC
Isn't it the truth?


domianax December 21 2003, 22:23:24 UTC
I just got the run down from Ana Marija.
You kids really should be more careful.


vyle_black December 22 2003, 11:51:20 UTC
Carefull is my middle... er.. nick.. I've actually never been carefull B 4, but it sounds like cool deal.



uglyshyla December 21 2003, 22:47:35 UTC
If you boys don't behave I'm going to come over there and beat you all!!!!You don't want me to bring the meat hooks over there do you?????


vyle_black December 22 2003, 11:21:40 UTC
I'll do no such thing, and run very quickly 8~P



uglyshyla December 22 2003, 11:39:53 UTC
I'm smaller I can run faster.HA HAH A


vyle_black December 22 2003, 11:48:02 UTC
It's on, honey. Come and get me 8~P



corranhorn December 21 2003, 22:54:18 UTC
Damn. 5-0 always be up in your face when all you want to do is take a break. I'm sorry to hear about your leetle misadventure, and hope all is going well.

By the way, your boots are still in my car. :P


vyle_black December 22 2003, 11:22:42 UTC
Fuck the System!!!
I say we riot (bring my boots)



vecha December 21 2003, 22:57:52 UTC
damn you need to be more careful! I am sorry to hear about your misfortune!:( take care of eachother! much much love! and don't let shyla scare you!:P haha her meat hooks would be fun!=)


vyle_black December 22 2003, 11:29:43 UTC
Oh, fun are they? It's not that I'm afraid of the meathooks, Shyla's scary with just a fork. 8~P

I'm not going to have much of a chance to take care of Stich, I didn't make it back to my apt in time to ride with him. But, he's a responisible... er.. good driver... er.. I think he'll sneak though just fine on his own.


vyle_black December 22 2003, 11:30:37 UTC
And much love fo you too, dear.
What are you doing today?



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