For each of the fandoms from day two, what were your favorite characters to write?
Forgotten Realms: Artemis Entreri and Jarlaxle. Also, Drizzt. Which is odd, because I didn't like reading about him.
Avatar; the Last Airbender: Sokka is really fun to write. So is Toph, in her direct, not-letting-any-stupid-rules-get-in-my-way way. Azula's point-of-view tends to have shades of zero-sum thinking, which I enjoy playing with. And Zuko is just a woobie; you can't resist throwing yet more at him.
Young Justice: I like writing M'gann; she's somehow cute and badass at the same time. Robin is snarky, therefore fun. And of course, trapping Wally and Artemis in a situation together and letting them go at it is very amusing.
And yes, I did make the image below with more programming stuff, thanks for asking.