January was a month for renewing and reviewing goals and progress. I’ve had to adjust a couple of goals because they just weren’t working and I hadn’t committed to them the way I’d hoped.
New Items Added This Month: 0
Goals Achieved/Completed This Month: 3
35. Take vitamins and supplements daily
This one was pretty easy for me and I have reached goal, that of 6 months consistent use, so yay!
71. Refurbish old desk
The desk writing surface was finished in December, but in January I repaired the pull out keyboard tray with wood filler and then covered with a maple look laminate. It’s not perfect but so much better than before and the desk plus the new padded chair is now attractive and comfortable to use.
Here are the before and after photos.
79. Post weekly to my personal LJ
Well, this is an easy one. I blather on LJ plenty! I’ve hit my goal of posting for 26 straight weeks so this one is now complete. I know I’ll keep this habit up.
Current Items Actively in Progress: 14
8. Read 50 books
I was entranced by the Amazon Prime series, The Wheel of Time, based on a very long series of fantasy books by Robert Jordan. Now I’m reading the books. So far I’ve devoured The Eye of the World, The Great Hunt and The Dragon Reborn. And am about halfway through the fourth book, The Shadow Rising. Last night I bought the next two books in the series, plus the overall series prologue novel, so that’s February’s reading mapped out.
I’m also reading old fanzines from my collection and loving every minute of it, although this reading doesn’t count toward my goal.
11. Post monthly to muncle
I launched a discussion topic regarding Down the Chimney and asked for suggestions on ways to improve visibility for the collection stories.
20. Rebalance investments annually
I performed this simple annual task, painful as it was with the market declining.
27 c. Lose weight
I started the month with a gain, back up to 192, so I had to make up ground. I’m back down, hovering around 188 - 190 these days. My body clings to weight in colder weather, it seems. I won’t log a loss until the scale stays consistently under 190.
28. Swim 20 laps 3x/week
I’ve been able to maintain the schedule this month and have been lucky to get a lane to myself many days, which makes it much more enjoyable. Up to 30 laps now, getting close to the goal of 35 (1 mile).
29 e. Ride bike 30 minutes daily
Such a complete fail and I don’t know why. I’m thinking about removing it from the list since it seems I just cannot motivate myself.
30. Arm Strengthening Routine 2x/week
I have started attending a strength training class called ‘Senior Iron Bodies’ twice a week. Just getting started with the program but I think it will be an excellent addition to swimming. This workout may eliminate the need for the bike riding goal because of all the step and lunge exercises, we’ll see. For now it is an open-ended goal.
31. Focus on diet
I’ve decided not to tie myself to any specific consumption goals going forward, instead choosing to focus on simply eating a straightforward keto diet with portion control. Therefore I deleted the sub-goal about specific protein and carb goals.
32. Track blood pressure
Still doing good with this goal. Average bp this month was 105/67.
33. Track fasting blood sugars
My blood sugar control has been pretty stable for the last two months. 122 average in January. Hoping it will drop lower again soon.
34. Drink 32 ounces water daily
Still managing this, although I confess it just isn’t as easy as it should be.
41. Organize/backup digital files
Still working on this project. Have a feeling this is actually a lifelong task!
43. Clean/organize drawers and closets annually
Working on this one. The kitchen is about half done now.
72. Monthly dinners with K
Yep, we managed to meet for dinner this month, despite the weather, her crazy busy schedule AND her catching Covid! She was pretty sick in early January and had to quarantine for 10 days, but is doing much better now. We met for dinner at our favorite restaurant on the 31st. It felt so good to get out.
Otherwise, the social and travel goals are taking a beating under the pandemic situation, especially with the Omicron flareup. I’m hoping that by the time weather warms up we’ll be in a better position.
Cumulative Update - Six Months
Main Goals: 83
Sub-goals: 33
Total Goals: 116
Main Goals Completed: 11 (13%)
Sub-goals Completed: 8 (24%)
Sub-goals Deleted: 1
Goals and Sub-goals Actively in Progress: 14
Looking forward to what I can accomplish in the next six months!
The entire updated list can be found