*pats self on back*

Dec 25, 2005 00:02


omg, I got through a whole church service without doing anything wrong! I now have a pretty tree drawn on the back of the program thingy.

The service itself wasn't as bad as I'm used to, but it made up for that with length. The music was a strange combination of normal hymns (though for some reason, the UCC church has CHANGED THE LYRICS TO THE OLD CHRISTMAS CAROLS, OMGWTFBBQ?!), gospel, and folk music. That (and Sachi to cling to *continues to cling to Sachi*) really is what saved it for me. Other than that, it was the normal pain that is church.

Still, I pride myself for my total lack of doing things which my mother would be embarrassed of. Go me! (um, yes, this really is an accomplishment for me. The worst I got was wearing black.)

In my happier Christmas news...Sachi gave me my very first embroidery set! I will now learn how to embroider things! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! There will be napkins for Fort Awesome with palm trees and hoola girls! Muahahahahaha! (no, no I'm not still amused I'm living in a town called Aloha...not at all)

And my parents got me a calendar with Shelties on it! They are so cute! (my family exchanges one present from each of us to each other on Christmas Eve. Most presents really are distributed on Christmas) From this calendar, I have learned there is an 'international French speakers day' or something like that. I find this awesome.

And, I got the most recent Star Wars dvd too! *is amused*
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