[rp: nexus]

May 04, 2009 16:30

In a quiet corner of the Nexus, two teenage boys have taken over a sofa, packet of chocolate digetives and a reading lamp. They're both dressed in what appear to be uniform dressing gowns (identical stiff blue felt) over flannel pyjamas (individual) and slippers -- they look like poster children for boarding school of the 1950s. One is almost preternaturally pale, something you might think was a trick of the light if there was more light, the other is only more ordinary in contrast -- round, pleasant face and wispy brown hair frowning over the book he's holding. "Henry V?"

"We've done Macbeth -- that's tragedy. We need a history and a comedy," his companion explains, not looking up from his book. "And you wanted Midsummer Nights."

His companion isn't convinced. "There's Richard III. Or Julius Caesar."

The pale boy scoffs. "Every one'll be doing Richard. Too easy. And Romans."

The brown-haired boy nudges his companion. "And the fact that Henry V contains Llewellyn and the infamous nations scene ...?"

"Can I help it if Shakespeare was obviously biased and perpetuating the predjudices of his time?"

"You just want to wind Mr Matthews up."


"Henry V it is."

The boys share a grin before going back to work. The silence between them is comfortable, and totally open to interruption.

dear_multiverse, rp

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