Hello buddies! My name is Bebe. I’m 17 years old. I’m at the height of my teenage youth and angst.
I’m from State College, Pennsylvania; Home of Penn State and the most boring town ever if you aren’t 18.
I love theater. I'm always up there staying with my friend Matt. We’re kind of the modern Sonny & Cher.
Sonny & Cher.
Artists I like. Some honorable mentions - DeVotchKa, Guster, Shiny Toy Guns, Alanis Morissette, Fionn Regan, Relient K and (embarrassingly) Lady Sovereign (shut up, her music is fun to drive to) And I like to collage things. I know that you cool kids knew about these bands probably forever, but living in the middle of nowhere doesn't give you a broad taste in music. Most of the kids at school have never even heard of some of these artists.
But most of all…the Beatles. I was raised on that stuff man. My dad is probably the biggest Beatles fan ever. I remember growing up and listening to Revolver, which is my favorite Beatles album, the second being Abbey Rode/Sgt. Peppers. And they're the greatest rock and roll band of all time.
Favorite Movies include….
The Little Mermaid. This movie is my childhood. I remember not being allowed to watch it for a few years because the sea witch scared the absolute bejesus out of me. But the scene above when she’s on the rock is honestly one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen in my life. I tried to recreate that on a bus seat in third grade and knocked myself out. Not cool.
Pretty Persuasion. As much as this movie is overly “angsty” and “alternative”, there are moments in this movie that are just priceless. When Rhanda wrote “We are all sinners” on the blackboard before she killed herself, I got chills. And Evan Rachel Wood is my favorite young actor because not only is she obviously one of the most talented actresses of my our generation, she also isn’t out drinking and ending up in rehab like Lindsay Lohan and her gang of whores. There's some great filming and cinematography as well.
Pleasantville. This is one of the most visually beautiful movies I’ve ever seen. I think the concept is smart. I think the acting is wonderful. And I love the colors. THE COLORS.
Return to Oz. I, again, was raised on this movie. I love weird cult movies. I love the darkness of this movie. I think the story, confusing as it may be at times, is wonderful. And the Wheelers are probably the most kick ass thing ever. Beware the wheelers…
And most of all…Dead Poet’s Society. This is one of the most amazing movies I’ve ever seen. It’s touching, sad, funny, inspiring, heart-warming, tear-worthy and wonderful movies I’ve ever seen.
Other things I dig…
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Skins is amazing. I wish I lived the life some of those kids live. I mean, they’re horrible, but they’re so exciting and cool. That party looks off the hook…and scary. But totally freaking rad. And these kids have the best wardrobe ever.
Freaks and Geeks is the bomb. Dude, it’s Mike White. I loves me some James Franco and Seth Rogan (and if you haven’t seen Superbad yet you’re lame.) This and School of Rock are sweet.
STELLA. Stella is my life. The comedy is so totally the type of comedy I love. They remind me of the weird jokes me and my buddies have. And they’re Jewish! What could be better than three adorable, Jewish, sexy, funny comedians?
Matt Kirshen is cute. Cute, Jewish and British. God knows why he got eliminated on Last Comic Standing. He’s so funny.
Michael Cera. Oh my good god. Superbad was amazing as it was because they cast that adorable little guy. I love him to shreds. I hope I get to see more of his stuff. I guess I’m going to have to start watching Arrested Devolpment…
Paul Dano. Three words. Little. Miss. Sunshine. He stole that movie. Amazing. And that movie was gorgeous. Thank you for getting DeVotchKa to do that soundtrack because it’s hella beautiful. He is such a wonderful actor. I believe every line he's ever said. He's amazing.
Baller shoes. They’re very cute. Very retro 80’s hip-hop. I wish I could pull them off.
Spring Awakening is my life. It's the most beautiful work of theater I've ever seen. Go see it now.
Starbucks Mocha Frapp...I live on those. So tasty. So delicious. I get them light so I don't become morbid. I get them almost everyother day (especially since I've been in New York because we have really late nights)
Other little things that make me happy - grocery shopping, Urban Outfitters, text messages, hugs, new friends. I've very easy to please.
And remember....
No glove, no love. (We use condoms in theater. Not because we're slutty, but to wrap them around the microphone packs we have to clip to our backs where we sweat. A lot. And the condoms protect the mic from getting all sweaty and gross. That's a little trick we theater kids use.)