
Sep 20, 2005 17:55

Yesssssssssssssssss-uh ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

1_goldfish_bowl September 20 2005, 12:01:20 UTC
if we are only going till recess, im not coming, my dad would have a hissy fit about how much pertrol that wastes.


wafflebiscuits September 20 2005, 12:03:43 UTC
come!!!! its out last official day of school, we are guarunteed to have fun, cause of water bombs and stuff, plus just say to your dad that they unexpectedly sent us all home at recess.

...anyway, the teacher might have been wrong! We might be there all day!


1_goldfish_bowl September 20 2005, 12:19:00 UTC


sexytrevy September 20 2005, 12:36:18 UTC
I thought they said we have assembly practice sometime? Yeah?


wafflebiscuits September 20 2005, 12:37:32 UTC
maybe thats pre-recess....

...cmon, give me SOME hope here!!!


sniper_24 September 20 2005, 12:51:39 UTC
Mrs. Bailey said the teachers "haven't been informed of any plans" to send us home early... What a fecking liar..

I can't wait until this week is over :D


torentosan September 24 2005, 01:20:55 UTC
i remember someone turned on one of those power sprinklers and it hit someone in the eye. i think it was at my school...maybe


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