Jun 20, 2008 15:50
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want -- good or bad. When you're finished,post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you.
wasten time in the lab
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Comments 8
I was driving that van to get Lily. I played Davin Greystone in Jon's last big game before the haul to Cali. I'm a physics grad at SIUC. I likes that anime stuff. I have cats. I cook and bake...uh, I have a myspace page under "mentok" that I have done a little with(I may have a pic of myself there) for some other info.
REALly, youse like ME? ah, that's nice. You and Lily definitely left good impressions with me.
Cooking and baking and anime are great. So are cats. Especially cats. I love me some cats.
Also: Davin Greystone - earth genasi or something, am I correct? One of my characters in a subsequent Jon-directed game dubbed him "Box 'o Rocks." This pleases me.
Yup! I like-a you! Fun tiemz were had, and I like people who inspire and take part in tiemz that are fun. :D
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