The 5000 Question Survey 2.0 part 5 10/27/2003
201. Put these creatures in order from what you would least like to be reincarnated as (1), to what you would most like to be reincarnated as (10) assuming reincarnation ended up existing AND you were given a choice.
caterpillar-3, house dog-7, wild dog-6, vulture-9, male human-2, female human-1, oak tree-10, rock-4, manta ray-8, dolphin-5
202. What do you feel unworthy of?
my pants
203. Would you rather be remembered for having done something for humanity or being a really nice person? neither I'd rather be remembered for being me.
204. Which do you value more: science or intuition?
205. Your best friend and your boy/girl friend are in the hospital at the same time with the same ailment. Who do you visit first? I don't know. What if they are in the same ward or if your best friend is your girlfriend? I would just my girlfriend first
206. Does the universe revolve around human beings?
No, flamingos factor in there somewhere.
207. If you are no longer a virgin, do you wish you still were?
208. Who is your favorite poet of those who are alive right now?
I don't read Poetry
209. What is your favorite song from the 90's?
everything by hootie and the blowfish just to despise cory
210. If you were in alphabet soup what letter would you be?
an "n" duh
211. Do you believe in fairies, ghosts, aliens, angels, dwarves, elves, etc.?
all of the above0
212. What makes you want to be someone’s friend?
what they can give me. actually just their personality.
213. Do you troll around the Internet harassing people anonymously for fun?
well yea who doesn't?
214. Have you ever seen the movie A Man Who Fell to Earth, and, if yes, can you explain the ending? Nope
215. Finish the sentence any way you want: Mommy, Mommy! A naked American man stole my: thumb and then proceeded to jam it up his ass next to his toy car that he placed up there.
216. What's your favorite video game?
Madden any year.
217. Have you ever taken something that wasn't yours?
Yea, some loose change and shit
218. Can you think of any phrases that are more irritating than 'by and large'? yea but you can't know them
219. You allow strangers to read your diary, but would you let your parents read it?
yea, why not?
220. Hot steamy bubble bath or quick in and out shower?
well a shower by myself a hot bubbly bath with a sexy girl
221. Are you allergic to anything?
no, I don't follow those things that the quack said I was allergic too.
222. What is your favorite Terminator movie?
the first one
223. What is your favorite fast food?
224. What would someone have to do to get you to never speak to him or her again?
um, i don't know
225. Would (or have) you ever whip someone or be whipped by someone in bed?
nahhhhh i'm not a freakkkey leakkky
226. Have you ever said 'I hate everyone' and really meant it literally?
no, even when i say that i like myself
227. Why do some people want to get more money than they could ever spend?
because it's sure fun to try
228. Have you ever won a carnival fish?
many won , many died
229. Did it live more than a week?
yea a few times
230. What's the best sounding accent a person can have?
oh definately the BGR accent
231. What's the most boring thing you've ever read?
The Miracle Worker
232. Do you prefer buttons or touch screens?
233. Do you think there is a lot of similarity between the Harry Potter books and the Lord of the Rings series? no, kill yourself
234. Would you consider yourself to be naive?
About some things
235. Which of your friends is most likely to go to jail?
236. What is the smallest amount of money that could be in a public toilet that would make you reach in and grab it?
$100 bucks, they have sinks and fountains for a reason
237. Would you ever wear real fur?
238. Arachnophobia or Eight Legged Freaks?
Arachnophobia is a lot better
239. What are your feelings about police officers?
Shelbyville has way too many reserve cops and for the most part cops just try to do their jobs but sometimes they are dicks on power trips.
240. What is the largest amount of money you would be willing to flush down the toilet to prove you are free of the constraints of money? Like $5 bucks, I like having my Wendy's Chicken Nuggets
241. Is fifty dollars a lot of money?
242. Do you like the band Front 242?
Never heard em
243. Would you rather have fame, money, or self-satisfaction?
244. What's your middle name?
245. What is the absolute limit, the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars? Put chicken feed on my weiner and let some chickens peck at it for awhile
246. Are you good, evil or neutral?
Good hopefully
247. Should ebonics be considered a language?
248. What color is your bedroom?
What color would you like it to be?
249. When are you planning to move to a new home?
When I grow up and finsh college
250. If you added up the cost of everything in the room with you, approximately what would it come out to be? maybe $5000